Friday 22 January 2021

Kabir Das dohe couplet

                                     Guru Govind Dow stood, Kakay applied

Balihari Guru, you got Govind Diyo
Bhaarthar: Kabir Das Ji says in this couplet that if Guru and God stand together in front of us, whose feet will you touch? The Guru has shown us the way to meet God with his knowledge, so the glory of Guru is above God and we should touch the feet of the Guru.

This body is poison's bellary, Guru Amrit's mine.
Shisho dio who gets a guru, even if he is cheap
Meaning: Kabir Das ji says that this body is full of poison and Guru is the mine of nectar. If you get a true master in return for giving your head, then this deal is also very cheap.

All the earth should be devoured
Should I talk about the seven seas, Guru qualities should not be written.
Sense: It is not possible to write the qualities of the Guru even if I make a paper as big as the whole earth and make pens of all the trees of the world and make ink equal to the seven oceans.

Speak such a voice, you lose your mind
Cool the others and let them cool.
Meaning: Kabir Das ji says that a person should speak such a language which will be very good for the listener. Such a language not only brings happiness to other people, but it also experiences great bliss.

What is good, like a tree date
Do not shade the bowls, fruits will be far away.
Meaning: Kabir Das ji says that the date palm tree is of course very big, but neither does it give shade to anyone and the fruit also appears at a great height. Similarly, if you are not able to do good to anyone, then there is no benefit from being such a big person.

Blasphemous nostrils, get the courtyards covered.
Dry the water without soap, clean it without soap.
Meaning: Kabir Das ji says that people who always do the evils of others should always keep it with them, because if such people are with you then your evils will keep telling you and you can easily rectify your mistakes. That is why Kabir has said that cynical people make the nature of human cool.

I went to see the bad, not bad, milia coy.
Whatever you have seen, do not mind me.
Meaning: Kabir Das Ji says that I have been spending my whole life watching the evils of others, but when I looked into my mind, I found that there is no worse person than me. I am the most selfish and evil. We see the evils of others a lot, but if you look inside yourself, you will find that there is no person worse than us.

Do all the things you can do in sadness, don't do anything in happiness.
If someone who praises in happiness, why should he suffer?
Meaning: Every person remembers God in sorrow, but in happiness everyone forgets God. If you remember God even in happiness, sorrow will never come.

Mati says to Kumar, what are you doing?
One day it will come like this, I will be raondungi.
Meaning: When the potter was trampling the soil to make utensils, the soil says to the potter - You are trampling me, there will come a day when you will dissolve in this soil and I will trample you.

The water is bubbling, as is the mind.
He will hide only as soon as he sees it.
Meaning: Kabir Das Ji says that human desires are like a bubble of water which is formed in a moment and ends in a moment. On the day you will see the true Guru, on that day all this fascination and all darkness will be hidden.

Seeing the moving mill, Diya Kabira cried.
Between the two roofing, do not save the whole.
Spirituality: Seeing the moving mill, Kabir Das ji's tears come out and he says that there is nothing left in the middle of the mill.

Calling the Kalyan, after seeing the filth.
Puffed flowers, Kali is our bar.
Sense: After seeing Malin coming, the garden buds talk among themselves that today Malin plucked the flowers and tomorrow it will be our turn. In fact, today you are young, tomorrow you will also get old and one day you will be found in the soil. Today's bud will become flower tomorrow.

Call today, do it today, do it today.
There will be a cataclysm in the moment, when will it be done.
Meaning: Kabir Das ji says that we have very little time, do the work you have to do tomorrow, and do what you have to do today, because now the catastrophe will take place, when will you do your work.

As sesame is oil, as fire in flint.
Your Sai is in you, awake if you can.
Meaning: Kabir Das ji says as there is oil inside the sesame, and there is light inside the fire, just as our God is alive within us, if you can find it, find it.

Where there is mercy and religion, where greed is sin.
Where there is anger, where forgiveness is there.
Meaning: Kabir Das Ji says that where there is mercy, there is religion and where there is greed there is sin, and where there is anger there is apocalypse and where there is forgiveness, there is a abode of God.

Whatever is not love, which is life and life
Like the skin of the blacksmith
Sense: A person who does not have a feeling of love towards others is like an animal.

The water settled in the sky, the sky inhabited
Which is going to the spirit so close to Tahi.
Meaning: The lotus blooms in water and the moon lives in the sky. But when the image of the moon shines in the water, Kabir Das ji says that despite the distance between the lotus and the moon, how close both are. The reflection of the moon in the water looks as if the moon itself has come to the lotus. Similarly, when a person loves God, those Gods themselves come to him.

Do not ask the sage a monk, ask for knowledge.
Buy the sword, leave the sheath.
Meaning: Do not ask the monk for his caste, rather talk to him about knowledge, seek knowledge from him. If you want to buy, do the sword, leave the sheath lying.

There is no one in the world who is cool
Put this temper, have mercy on everyone.
Spirituality: If your mind is cold then no one in the world can become your enemy

Gone are the days, not the company of the same brother.
Love without animal life, Bhakwant without devotion.
Meaning: Kabir Das Ji says that the time that has been spent so far has been in vain, neither did he ever associate with gentlemen nor did any good work. A man without love and devotion is like an animal, and a person who does devotion dwells in the heart of God.

One fruit from Tiratha Gaya, four found saints
Satguru got many fruits, says Kabir thoughts.
Connotation: Performing a pilgrimage gives one a virtue, but the company of saints gives virtue. And attaining the true Guru brings many virtues in life.

Do everything to your body, make your mind rare.
Get all the methods, which will appease the mind.
Meaning: Kabir Das Ji says that people clean their bodies daily but no one cleanses the mind. A person who clears his mind also is worthy to be called a true person.

Love did not turn out, love did not sell.
The king should stop taking whatever he wants.
Meaning: Kabir Das ji says that love does not grow anywhere in the fields and neither love is sold in the market. One who needs love will have to give up his head, work, desire, fear.

Those who do not call the house monks, do not serve the house.
Know your home, you live in a beautiful place
Spiritualism: Kabir Das Ji says that in a house where there is no worship of monk and truth, there is sin in that house. Such a house is like a desert where ghosts live in the daytime.

The monk needs a soup like that.
Thotha dei uday is living the essence.
Meaning: Kabir Das Ji says that a gentleman should have a soup-like quality. Just as the grains of grain are separated in the soup, the gentleman should only accept good things except unnecessary things.

Not done with the green left over from the previous day.
Now, what do you regret
Meaning: Kabir Das ji says that time has passed, you have not done any charity and meditated on God. Now what happens with repenting, when the bird has devoured the field.

Not green when I was, now I am green.
All darkness disappeared, Mahi saw the lamp.
Bhaarthar: Kabir Das Ji says that when there was arrogance in me, then there was no harivaeshwar in my heart. And now I have no abode in my heart, if I have harieshwar. Ever since I found the lamp in the form of Guru, the darkness inside me has vanished.

Wash what happened, which does not go to waste.
Always stay in water, do not wash the bass.
Meaning: Kabir Das ji says that no matter how much you wash, but if the mind is not clear then what is the use of bathing it, as the fish is always in the water but still it is not clean, the fish smells strong.

Love drink, drink sis dakshina.
Scrooge could not give head, name is love
Spirituality: One who has to get the love of God and love of devotion, he has to give up his head, anger, fear, desire. Greedy person cannot abandon his head, anger, fear, desire but hopes to get love.

Kabira is Soi Pir, who is Pir on the go.
Who does not know Pir, So Pir in Pir.
Meaning: Kabir Das Ji says that a person who understands the suffering and sorrow of another is a gentleman and what is the benefit of being such a person who cannot understand the suffering of another.

Kabira is a male blind, he says to the Guru.
Hari Roothe is a Guru, and Guru Rothe is not.
Spiritualism: Kabir Das Ji says that those people are blind and foolish who do not understand the glory of Guru. If God is angry with you then the Guru has support, but if the Guru is angry with you, then you have no support anywhere in the world.

What should Kabir Suta do, do not wake up and Murari
One day you too will sleep, long legs spread.
Meaning: Kabir Das Ji says why do you always sleep, wake up and do devotion to God, otherwise one day you will spread your legs and sleep forever.

Moon is not cold, snow is not cold.
Kabir Sheetal Sant Jan, Naam Sanehi Hoy.
Meaning: Kabir Das Ji says that even the moon is not as cold and the iceberg is not as cold as the gentle gentlemen are. Gentle men are cold and affectionate to all.

Pothi read read jag mua, pandit bhaya na koye.
Two and a half years of love, read it, Pandit Hoy.
Meaning: Kabir Das Ji says that people study the greatest, but no one can become a pundit or a scholar after studying. The person who reads two and a half letters of love is the most learned.

Ram sent the call, gave Kabira cry.
Whatever happiness is with the monk, so there is no Baikuntha.
Sense: When the time of death came near and the messengers of Rama came, Kabir Das ji cried because the joy that is in the company of saints and gentlemen will not be as much in heaven.

Shilwant is the biggest sub ratanan mine.
The wealth of three people, lived in modesty
Meaning: Quiet and modesty is the greatest quality and is the most expensive gem of all the gems in the world. He who possesses modesty has the property of three worlds.

Say Sai, give me family
I should not be hungry, neither should the monk be hungry.
Meaning: Kabir Das Ji says, Lord, I do not want much wealth and property, I want only that in which my family can eat well. I too should not be hungry and nobody should go hungry from my house.

Makhi is standing in good, wings wrapped.
Hand melodies and head tunes, greed is evil.
Meaning: Kabir Das Ji says that the fly is first wrapped with jaggery. It sticks all its feathers and mouth with jaggery but when it tries to fly it is unable to fly then it feels sorry. In the same way, a human too is wrapped in worldly pleasures and feels sorry at the end.

The world of Māti, by doing the knowledge ratan.
Hi Kabira again, the world has faded
Meaning: Kabir Das Ji says that this world is of the soil, you should try to gain knowledge, otherwise life after death and then death after life will continue in this order.

Crooked words are the worst, not four
The monk's word is a form of water, rains amrit dhar.
Meaning: Kabir Das ji says that speaking bitter words is the worst thing, bitter words do not solve anything. The gentleman's thoughts and words are like nectar.

If you have come, you will go, Raja Ranka Fakir.
I went to the throne, I was chained.
Meaning: Kabir Das Ji says that he who has come into this world must go one day. Whether the king or the fakir, at the end the yamdoots will tie everyone in one chain.

Janmiyya of a high clan should not be elevated.
Suvarna kalash filled with tears, sage condemned.
Meaning: Kabir Das ji says that he was born in a high clan, but if karma is not high, then the same thing happened as if the gold lotus is full of poison, it is condemned all around.

The night was lost, the day was lost
The diamond is born as amol, and it should be changed.
Meaning: Kabir Das ji says that he lost sleep while sleeping and lost his day while eating. The precious life you have got is being transformed into codi.

Kami rage greedy, do not have devotion with them.
Someone should do devotion, but she will lose the family.
Spiritualism: Kabir Das Ji says that devotion, rage and greedy, such persons cannot be devotional. Devotion can only be done by someone who renounces his caste, clan, ego.

 Money owed to Kaga Ka, payable to Cuckoo Ka.
Heard the sweet words, take the world.
Meaning: Kabir Das ji says that crow does not steal anyone's wealth but still crow people do not like it. The cuckoo does not give money to anyone but everyone likes it. This is the difference of dialect - Cuckoo takes everyone's mind with sweet dialect.

If you can plunder, take plunder, green name.
You will regret the end time, when your life will be missed.
Meaning: Kabir Das Ji says that this world is full of knowledge, Ram is inhabited everywhere. Now is the time to do devotion to Rama, otherwise you will have to repent when the end comes.

No straw should be blown, which is under the feet.
Whenever this gets in eyes, it hurts a lot .
Meaning: Kabir Das ji says do not condemn the straw by looking at it under the foot because if the straw flew through the air, it hurts a lot. Similarly, no weak or poor person should be condemned.

Slowly, I refuse, everything is done slowly.
Gardener watered a hundred pitchers, thus came fruits.
Bhaarthar: Kabir Das Ji while explaining the mind says, O mind! Every work of the world happens slowly. So be patient. Just as the gardener irrigates the garden with any amount of water, but the flowers bloom only when spring season comes.

Maya died, not my mind, my body died.
Asha Trishna did not die, said Kabir Das.
Meaning: Kabir Das Ji says that Mayadhan and the human mind never die, a human dies, the body changes, but human desire and jealousy never die.

Demand is the same as death, don't ask for alms,
It is good to die by asking, this is the lesson of the Satguru
Meaning: Kabir Das ji says that asking is like death, never beg anyone. Better than asking, you have to die.

Just as the pupil in Nainan, the owner is in the house.
Do not know stupid people, search outside
Meaning: Kabir Das Ji says that God is in us just as there is an effigy inside the eye. Stupid people do not know and seek God outside.

Kabira laughed when we were born, we cried,
Do this, we laughed and cried
Meaning: Kabir Das ji says that when we were born, the whole world was happy and we were crying. Go to work in life that when we die, the world cries and we laughed.

Pothi padhi padhi jag mua, pandit bhaya na koye,
Two and a half years of love, read it, Pandit Hoy.
Meaning: Kabir Das ji says that people get education by reading books but no one is knowledgeable. The person who reads two and a half letters of love and is the greatest scholar, he is the greatest pundit.

Do not ask caste, ask sage, ask knowledge,
Buy the family, let the sheath remain.
Meaning: A scholar should not ask his caste, but should talk about knowledge. The real value is the sword, not the sheath.

Jin Khoja Tin Paia, Deep Water Penetration,
I fear Bapura Budan, sit on the edge
Meaning: Those who constantly try, work hard, they are definitely successful in getting something or the other. Like when a diver takes a dip in deep water, there is definitely something to come but some people who have been sitting on the shore for fear of drowning do not get anything for life.

Dost looking for strangers, LOL
Do not miss your memories
Spiritualism: The nature of human beings is such that after seeing the evils inside others, they laugh at their faults, sarcasm but never look at their faults which have no beginning or end.

Do not mourn the grave, which is five feet,
When Pigeon falls away, Pir Ghaneri is there
Meaning: Kabirdas ji says in this couplet that even the smallest thing should never be condemned because in time, even small things can do big things. Just like a small straw is crushed under the feet, but if the storm strikes in the eyes, it hurts.

Ati's not speaking well, Ati's best
Extreme rain, no sunshine
Meaning: Kabirdas ji says that it is not good to speak more nor is it also good to keep quiet like that much rain is not good but too much sun is also not good.

Saying Sunat gone all day, Urijhi na Suryjya Mana,
Kabir Chetya is not there, Ajhu is sleeping on the first day
Sense: All the days have gone by just saying and listening, but this mind is confused yet it has not been solved yet. Kabir Das Ji says that this mind is not warned till date, it is the same today.

Rare man is born, not a body again and again,
As the leaf falls, the leaves will not flow
Meaning: Kabirdas ji says that it is very rare for a man to be born, this body is not found again and again, like a leaf that has fallen from the tree cannot be put back on the tree.

Bid is priceless, whoever says, know
Weigh the scales, then face out
Meaning: A person who speaks good speech knows that speech is a precious gem. For this, let the words come out of the mouth after weighing the words in the heart scales.

Hindus say Mohi Ram Piara, Turks say Rahmana,
There is a lot of difference between you and you
Bhartharth: Rama is lovely for Hindus and Allah is Rehman for Muslims. The two end up fighting each other in Ram Rahim's affair, but no one knows the truth.

Sant na chhadai santai, who met Kotik dissatisfied.
Chandan Bhuvanga Sitia, Tau Sitlata na Tajant
Meaning: Gentle men do not give up their gentleness under any circumstances, no matter how many wicked men are surrounded. Just as thousands of snakes are wrapped by sandalwood tree, but it never leaves its coolness.

Bad that I went to see, bad neither Millia coy,
Whatever you have discovered, do not mind me.
Sense: When I started searching for evil in this world, I did not get any bad. When I looked into my mind, I found that there is nothing worse than me.

 Pothi padhi padhi jag mua, pandit bhaya na koye,
Two and a half years of love, read it, Pandit Hoy.
Meaning: After reading big books, many people in the world reached the door of death, but not all scholars could. Kabir believes that if one reads only two and a half letters of love or love well, recognizes the true form of love in a sense, then that will be true knowledgeable.

 The monk wants this, as the soup comes,
The essence is very deep, blows it.
Meaning: In this world, there is a need for such gentlemen as there is a grain cleaner soup. Those who will save the meaningful and blow the fruitless.

Do not mourn the grave, which is five feet,
When Pigeon falls away, then Pir becomes dense.
Meaning: Kabir says never condemn even a small straw that gets buried under your feet. What a pain it is if that speck blows you in the eye!

Slowly, I refuse, slowly everything happens,
Gardener watered a hundred pitchers, thus came fruits.
Meaning: Being patient in the mind makes everything happen. Even if a gardener starts watering a tree with a hundred pots of water, the fruit will be planted only when the season comes!

Mala ferrat jug bhaya, do not turn around,
Dar bead of tax, turn heart bead.
Meaning: A person rotates a garland of pearls in his hand for a long time, but his mood does not change, his mood does not calm. Kabir's advice to such a person is to change or turn the beads of the mind by discarding this garland of hands.

Do not ask caste, ask sage, ask knowledge,
Buy the family, let the sheath remain.
Meaning: One should not understand the gentleman's caste and understand his knowledge. The sword is valued, not its sheath - the shell that covers it.

Dost looking for strangers, LOL
Do not remember your own, whose beginning nor end.
Spiritualism: It is human nature that when he laughs after seeing the faults of others, then he does not remember his faults which have no beginning nor end.

Jin Khoja Tin Paia, Deep Water Penetration,
I fear Bapura Budan, sit on the edge.
Meaning: Those who try, they get something in the same way as a hard-working diver goes into deep water and brings something. But there are some poor people who are sitting on the edge of fear of drowning and cannot find anything.

Bid is priceless, whoever says, know
The scales are weighing, then the mouth comes out.
Meaning: If someone knows how to speak correctly, then he knows that speech is an invaluable gem. Therefore, he weighs in the scales of the heart and lets it come out of the mouth.

Ati's not speaking well, Ati's best
It does not rain well, the sun does not shine.
Meaning: Neither it is good to speak more, nor it is better to remain silent than necessary. Like, too much rain is not good and too much sun is also not good.

Blasphemous Nire Rakhia, Angan Kuti Chhavi,
Without water, soap, cleanse
Sense: One who condemns us should keep closer to himself. He cleans our nature by revealing our drawbacks without soap and water.

Rare man is born, not a body again and again,
Trees as leaf blossoms, do not bear much.
Spirituality: In this world man's birth is difficult. This human body is not found again and again in the same way as if a leaf falls from a tree, it is not put on putting it again.

Kabira stood in the market, asked everyone well
Neither friendship with Kahu nor hate with Kahu.
Spirituality: In this world, Kabir wants only in his life that all is well and if there is no friendship with anyone in the world, then there is no enmity either!

Hindus say Mohi Ram Piara, Turks say Rahmana,
Let me fight with each other, go to Maram na Kou.
Bhaarthar: Kabir says that Hindus are devotees of Rama and Turkic Muslims love Rahman. On this matter, both of them fought and died, even then neither of them could know the truth.

Kahat Sunat went all day, urzhi na surjhiya mana
Kabir is not Chetya, he is on his first day.
Sense: Every day passed while listening, but this mind could not be solved by getting entangled. Kabir says that even now this mind is not conscious. Even today its condition is same as the first day.

Kabir Lahari Samand, pearls came scattered.
Heron did not know the distinction, laughed at the gap.
Meaning: Kabir says that pearls came and shattered in the sea wave. Heron does not know their secret, but Hans is eating them selectively. The meaning of this is that only the knowledge of any thing is known.

When the property is received by the customer, then the quality is sold.
When the property is not customary, then the penny is replaced.
Meaning: Kabir says that when a customer is found to be testing the quality, then the quality has value. But when such a customer is not found, then the quality goes away.

Kabir said, Garbio, Kaal ghe kar kar case.
Don't know where Marissi, Cai home
Bhaarthar: Kabir says, O man! What are you proud of? Kaal is holding your hair in your hands. Do not know where he will kill you, at home or abroad.

The water is bubbling, as is Manus.
One day will be hidden, as Tara Parbhat.
Sense: Kabir's statement is that just like water bubbles, similarly the human body is fleeting. Just as the stars get hidden as soon as morning, the body will also be destroyed one day.

Kindle burns juvenile, case burns grass grass.
Watching everything burns, Kabir sad.
Meaning: This mortal human body burns like wood in the end and the hair burns like grass. Seeing the entire body burning like this, Kabir's heart fills with sadness at this end.

Whatever is Ugya, it is Antbai, Phuliya is Kumla.
Whoever falls asleep, who came to sleep
Spiritualism: The rule of this world is that what has risen will end. What has developed will wither away. The one who has gone will fall and the one who has come will go.

False happiness is called happiness, mind is mode.
Khalka Chabena period, some laps in some mouths.
Bhaarthar: Kabir says hey living soul! You call false happiness as happiness and there is happiness in the mind? See, this whole world is like that food for death, whatever is in its mouth and some is kept in its lap to eat.

No one should get such, give us the help
Drowns in the ocean
Senseless: Kabir is grieving for the worldly people, saying that he did not find such a pioneer who would preach and take these creatures out of his hands with his hair while drowning in the ocean.

Sant na chhadai santai
Chandan Bhuvanga Sitia, Tau Seetlata na Tajant
Meaning: Even if a gentleman gets crores of evil men, he does not give up his good nature. Snakes are wrapped by sandalwood tree, but it does not leave its coolness.

God Kabir was happy, where the mind flew from there.
Whatever you do with consistency, so you get the fruit.
Meaning: Kabir says that the body of a worldly person has become a bird and wherever it has its mind, the body flies and reaches there. True, one gets the same results as he does.

Do everything to your body, no one can change your mind.
Enjoy all the achievements, you will be happy.
Meaning: Wearing saffron clothes in the body is easy, but making the mind a yogi is rarely the work of individuals. If the mind becomes a yogi, all the attainments are easily attained.

Kabir so Dhan Sanche, which will be in front.
Sis offer a bundle, do not take it away.
Bhaarthar: Kabir says collect the money which will be useful in future. When he tied the bundle of money on his head, he did not see anyone.

Maya mui na mana mua, muri muriya gayi sarir.
Asa trisna na mui, thus Kabir
Meaning: Kabir says that Maya neither dies nor mind while living in the world. Not knowing how many times the body is dead but the hope and craving of man never dies, Kabir has said so many times.

 In the mind, please give me a wish, you have not done it.
If the body escapes in water, no one should eat dry.
Meaning: While explaining to human beings, Kabir says that leave the desires of the mind, you cannot fulfill them on your own. If ghee comes out of the water, no one will eat dry bread.

Not green when I was, now I am green.
All darkness disappeared, Mahi saw the lamp.
Sense: When I was immersed in my ego - I could not see the Lord - but when the Guru illuminated the lamp of knowledge within me, then all the darkness of ignorance was erased - ego went out of the light of knowledge and God in the light of knowledge Found it

What should Kabir Suta do, do not wake up and Murari
One day you too will sleep, long legs spread.
Meaning: Kabir says - Why do you sleep in ignorance? Achieve the awakening of knowledge and take the name of the Lord. Meditate on the Lord by awake. That day is not far when you have to sleep in deep sleep - why not wake up until you can wake up? Why don't you remember God's name?

Not done with green leaves for the past / last day.
Now, what do you regret
Sense: Every good day while watching - Good time has passed - You have not made a flame from God - Did not love what will be gained by regretting the passage of time? At first, they were not aware - just like a farmer does not take care of his field and birds may waste his crop on sight.

The night was lost, the day was lost
The diamond is born as amol, and it should be changed.
Meaning: Destroyed the night in sleep - Keep sleeping - Did not get free time from food in the day. This human birth was valuable like diamonds, which you have wasted - you did nothing meaningful, so what is the value of life? A penny

So what if you are big.
Birds do not get shade, fruits are far away.
Meaning: What is the benefit of growing as big as a palm tree, which can not give shade to anyone properly, nor are its fruits accessible. 

Hari Janne Rukhra, the wife of that wife.
Suka did not know the wood, when I got rained.
Meaning: The green tree knows the affection of water. Dry wood - what to know when it rains water? It is the sense of heart that understands love. What does a ruthless mind know about this feeling?

Jhiramir - Jhiramir Barsiya, Pahan above meh.
Mati Galli Saizal Bhai, Panhan Bohi Teh.
Meaning: Clouds started to rain on the stone. The soil got wet by this but the stone remained like that.

Kahat Sunat went all day, neither mind nor peace
Say, Kabir is not Chetya, he sleeps on the first day.
Meaning: All days passed while listening, but this mind could not be solved by getting entangled! Kabir says that this mind still does not come to consciousness. Even today its condition is same as day one.

Kabir is a little alive, a lot of money.
Kabir is a little alive, a lot of money.
Meaning: Clouds started to rain on the stone. The soil got wet by this but the stone remained like that.

Jhiramir - Jhiramir Barsiya, Pahan above meh.
Mati Galli Saizal Bhai, Panhan Bohi Teh.
Meaning: There is a little life, for that man makes many kinds of arrangements. Whether it is the king or the poor, the king - everyone is destroyed by standing.

One day it will be like this, everyone is lost.
King Rana Chhatrapati, be careful who you are.
Meaning: There will definitely come a day when you will have to get separated. O kings! O Chhatrapis! Why don't you be careful now!

Kabir Prem neither Chakkhiya, Chakkhiya Naya Sav
Listened to the house of Pahuna, Jyun Aya Tyaun Jav
Meaning: Kabir says that a person who has not tasted love, and has not tasted or tasted it, is like a person who walks in a listless, uninhabited house, goes away, cannot get anything.

Maan, mahatam, love rasa, garva tana guna neh.
A sabhi ahala went
Meaning: Value, importance, love, love, pride and affection - all flow into the flood when a human is asked to give something.

Goes to sleep, your hand will not go away.
Khewatiya's naan june, dense mille aaye.
Sense: Let go of what goes on. Do not let your situation, condition go. If you remain in your form, many people will come to meet you like boat boat.

Manusha birth is rare, body no more.
There were fruits, fruit trees, not many flowers.
Meaning: Human birth is difficult to attain. This body is not found again and again. The fruit which falls from the tree does not appear on its branch again.

This is the body of Kacha Kumbh, taken with me.
Dhabka hit the leg, the hand did not come.
Meaning: This body is a raw pitcher which you used to roam around with. It burst as soon as it hurt. Nothing came to hand.

I am very angry, if I run away.
When you look like a friend, a cotton wrapped fire
Sense: Ego is a very bad thing. Run out of it if possible. Friend, how long should I keep this fire-ego wrapped in cotton?

Kabir Badal love, it rained on us.
Inter-wetness, Hari Bhai Banrai
Meaning: Kabir says - The cloud of love came over me - so that the conscience was soaked, the whole environment around it became green - happy happened - this is the unique effect of love! Why don't we live in this love!

Jihi Ghat Prem na Preity Ras, Puni Rasna No Name.
In te male or samsara, stems are gone.
Connotation: Those whose heart has neither love nor taste of love, whose tongue does not have the name of Rama - those human beings born in this world are also meaningless. Love is the meaning of life. Being immersed in love is the essence of life.

Tall Marag Duri Ghar, Bikat Creed Bahu Mara.
Why should you find saints, rare Hari Didar.
Meaning: The house is far away, the path is long, the way is terrible and there are many pathak thieves in it. Hey gentlemen! Say, how to get a rare vision of God? Life is difficult in the world - there are many obstacles, there are disasters - we are deceived by them - many attractions keep pulling us towards us - we forget our goals - we lose our capital Huh.

Take care of this body, wick me.
Lohi cinchon oil june, when see face
Meaning: I can make this body a lamp, put the life of light in it and water it like oil with blood - when will I be able to see my beloved's face by lighting a lamp like this? To seek a flame from God, to seek it, to engage one's mind and body in its devotion is a practice - austerity - which one can rarely do!

Naina antar aw tu, june houn nain jhumpeu
Neither should I see nor should I see you.
Meaning: Oh dear! Lord, you come inside me through the path of these two eyes and then I should close these eyes of mine! Then neither should I see anyone else nor let anyone else see you!

Kabir Rekha Sindoor's kajal was not given.
Where did Nanu Ramaiya Rami Rahu Duja endured?
Meaning: Kabir says that where the line of vermilion is there - kajal cannot be given. When Ram is sitting in the eyes, how can anyone else live there?

Kabir seep samand ki, rote piyas piyas.
The sea is numbered, the swati drops hope.
Meaning: Kabir says that the seas of the sea keep on thirsty thirst. Swati considers the vast amount of water in the sea as a straw, hoping for a constellation drop. There is a desire to get what is on our mind, which is a desire to get, without it all is futile.

All the seven saints and souls are the ragas
Te temple empty beyond the cottage
Spiritualism: Kabir says that the houses where saptas were echoed, were celebrated every moment, those houses are now empty - crowds have started sitting on them. There is not always a time! Where there was happiness, there is sorrow, where there was happiness, there can be sadness - it happens in this world!

Kabir said, Garbiyou, look high.
Kalhi Parayou land lying grass above.
Meaning: Kabir says what are you proud to see on tall buildings? Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow these heights and you too will lie down on the earth and the grass will start growing from above! The deserted one will be deserted which is the laughing house courtyard now! So never be proud

Refuse the littering job to celebrate the death.
Jini Panthu Tujh Chalana Soi Panth Samvari.
Meaning: After considering birth and death, give up bad deeds. Remember the path on which you have to walk - remember it only - make it beautiful.

Farmers without bin keepers out.
Half a shadow is bored, cheeti can be cheated.
Meaning: Sparrows ate the field from outside without a keeper. Some fields are still left - if you can be careful, then go - save it! Due to inadvertence in life, a person loses a lot - he does not even know the news - the damage is done - how much damage can we avoid if we take care! That is why every person has to be aware - like taking care to burn stubble, but would have avoided the terrible air pollution in Delhi - now what do you regret when the bird has devoured the field!

Kabir Deval Dahi Padya Brick Bhai Sentar.
Kari chijara saun preeti june dhaye na duji bar.
Meaning: Kabir says that the body-like temple has been destroyed - its brick has turned into brick - that is, the body part - algae means moss. Love the God who built this temple so that this temple is not destroyed the second time.

Kabir temple of lac, the roots are diamonds.
The day's ceremony will be called Binas, Kali.
Bhartharth: This body is a temple made of lac with diamonds and red inlaid. It is a four-day toy, it will be destroyed tomorrow. The body is mortal - when you work hard and decorate it, you forget its brittleness, but the truth is that the body breaks like a raw toy - suddenly we don't even know!

Kabir is diligent if he can, then Lehu Bahori.
Went to bare hands whose lakhs of crores.
Meaning: This body is going to be destroyed, if possible, still be careful - manage it! Those who had assets worth millions of crores have also gone empty-handed from here - so do not continue to add wealth while living - do something meaningful! Give life a direction - do some good work!

Who is a body, everyone becomes like a lover, a kohandi.
You are a well, say Kabir Bachari.
Spirituality: This body is like all woods - our actions are like an ax. In this way, we are cutting ourselves - Kabir says this after thinking.

Nobody is tied with all your wealth.
The mind does not fall apart, the life is not lost.
Meaning: There is none of your companions. All human beings are bound in selfishness, until the belief - trust - arises in the mind, trust in the soul is not awakened. Lack of realization of reality, man remains in the world when he comes to know the truth of the world - he understands this selfish creation - only then he is oriented towards the inner soul - looks inside!

I am my genie, my prince is Binas.
My feet are close to my throat.
Sense: Don't get caught and bound in Mamta and ego - it's mine that don't stop - these are the root of destruction - the root cause - the reason - Mamata is the feet and the neck is hanging.

Kabir Boat Jurgery Garbage Khavenahar.
Lightly lightened three-headed body weight!
Meaning: Kabir says that the boat of life is broken, it is a shabby fool, those who are the ones who have the burden of lust on their head, they drown in the ocean of the world - they become worldly and cannot recover from the business of the world. They remain entangled in it, but those who are free from them - they are light and they get wet and they are crossed and they are saved from drowning in the ocean.

Man jane does everything by himself
After lighting the lamp, the lamp was crushed.
Meaning: The mind knows all things, even knowing it gets stuck in demerits, how can the skilled who is holding the lamp in his hand fall in the well?

RC face could not be seen inside Hirda.
Look at your face, your mind's dilemma is gone.
Sense: There is a mirror inside the heart, but - due to the malaise of lusts - the appearance of the face is not visible, the face or your face or real form can be seen only when the doubt of the mind is erased!

Why did I stay, why did I regret it.
Sow tree of Acacia, Amba kahan te khai

Sense: If you considered yourself to be the doer, why did you sit silently? And now why does one repent by doing deeds? The tree is planted of acacia - then where to get mango food?

Manah Manorath chandi chandi, tera kiya nahi
If I have greed, I do not eat anything.
Sense: Leave the desire of the mind. You cannot fulfill them on your own strength. If ghee comes out of the water, no one will eat dry bread!

Maya mui na manwa muva, meri meri gaya sirir.
Asa Trishna Krishna is called Kabir.
Meaning: Neither Maya dies nor mind does not know how many times she has died. Asha, Trishna never dies - Kabir has said so many times.

Kabir should save money, whatever happens next.
Offer the sesame bundle, do not see it.
Meaning: Kabir says collect the money that will work in future. Took a bundle of money on the head and did not see anyone.

Liar found a liar, double tied Sneh
Broken Neh only when the liar finds a mold.
Sense: When a false man finds another false man, double love increases. But the love is broken when the liar finds a true man.

Kare kere gun geun augun koi nahin.
Jee dil khoob aapna, sub augun me mahin
Sense: There are many qualities in the Lord - there is no demerit. When we search our heart, we find all the demerits within ourselves.

I went to see bad people, neither bad nor milia coy.
Whoever saw the house felt bad about me.
Sense: I went to search for a bad person in this world, but when looking into my home - in my mind, I could not find anyone bad by myself, that is, we keep an eye on other's evil but do not look at ourselves!

The foundation of Kabir Chandan is also sandal.
Buda bans badaita ki jini bude koi

Meaning: Kabir says that if the sandalwood tree has a neem tree, then it also takes some fragrance - it gets some effect of sandalwood. But bamboo sinks due to its length - greatness - greatness. In this way nobody should drown. Should have a good impression of fellowship - you should not remain in pride.

Karkaz Kerry Kothari, Karma Kapat of Masi.
Panhani Boi Prithmi, Pandit Padi thing.
Spirituality: This world is the closet of Kajal, its deeds are made of Kapita Kalima. The pandits have constructed the road by installing stone idols on the earth.

Do not be foolish, iron water does not fall.
Kadali oyster bhavnag mukh, a drop tihu bhai.
Sense: Do not side with a fool. Fools are iron items that cannot float in water and drown. The effect of fellowship is so great that a drop of banana leaves from the sky falls into camphor, pearl and snake in the oyster and becomes poison.

What is the highest total of Janmiyya?
Subarna Kalas Sura Bhi Sadhu Nindai Soy.
Meaning: If the work is not of high quality, then what is the benefit of being born in a higher total? If the urn of gold is full of Sura, the sages will condemn it.

Kabir tried to fellowship, neither failed.
Chandan Hosi Bawna, neeb na kahsi koi
Meaning: Kabir says that the association of a monk is never fruitless. Even if the sandal tree is small - Vamana - dwarf, no one will call it a Neem tree. He will remain well kept and will give fragrance to his surroundings. You will fill your surroundings with fragrance

Knowing what is going on, it is a lie.
Taki Sangati Ramji, Supinai only Jini Dehu.
Meaning: Those who deliberately give up the truth, love the lie, O God, do not give the company of such people even in our dreams.

I lost my heart, Mamta Mui, where I left everything.
Jogi was asleep, but Ramani was lost, she was a friend.
Meaning: Killed the mind, Mamta was also finished, the ego was all destroyed, the yogi who was gone left from here, now his ashes were left on the seat, that is, only his fame remained in the world.

Taravar tas bilambiye, twelve meat fruits.
Sital Chhaya Gahar Fruit, Birch Kali Karant.
Meaning: Kabir says rest under a tree, which gives fruits for twelve months, whose shade is cool, fruits are dense and where birds play.

Kachi Kaya Mana Athir Thir Thir Kama Karant.
June june june
Meaning: The body is raw ie mortal, the mind is fickle, but you work on them as stable - you consider them immortal as much as a human wanders around the world fearlessly - remains merry - the more time that death laughs at him! Even knowing that death is near, a person remains ignorant! What a sad thing.

Kumbh in water is water in Kumbh, the water inside.
Kutha Kumbh Jal Jalah Samana This fact is known.
Meaning: When the water is filled, the pot remains in the water and when it is filled, the water comes inside the pitcher, in this way, water remains outside and inside - water is the power. When the pot splits, its water gets in the water itself - there is no isolation - the learned people have said this fact! The soul and the divine are not two - the soul sits in the divine and the divine sits in the soul. Ultimately, it is the power of God - when the body dissolves - it becomes part of God - it merges into it. It becomes one.

You used to say that I have seen the paper writer and I have seen the eye.
I say surjhavan hari, you are the chief Urzhai.
Meaning: You say what is written on paper as truth - for you it is the truth that is written on paper. But I have seen my eyes and say and write the truth. Kabir was not educated but there was truth in his talk. I want to solve everything easily - why do you keep it complicated? The simpler you become - the more you will be able to get away from the confusion.

Mana's losers are defeats and Mana's wins
Say that Kabir Hari got the end of the mind.
Connotation: Jai defeat in life is only the feelings of the mind. If a man loses in the mind - is disappointed then there is defeat and if he wins the mind then he is the winner. You can also find God only with the confidence of the mind - if you do not have the confidence of attainment, then how will you get it?

When I was not Hari, now I am not Hari.
Do not let the love lane go very sankari
Sense: As long as there was ego in mind, God was not interviewed. Only when the end was over, did the Lord meet. When God was interviewed - the key was automatically destroyed. Realization of the power of God came only when the ego was gone. Love cannot contain dualism - the narrowness of love - only one can fit in a thin street - ego or ultimate! Immersion of ego is necessary for the attainment of the ultimate.

Read, read, read stones, write, write, write, brick.
Say Kabir Prem Ki Lagi Ekno Chinta
Sense: There is a greater love than knowledge - if a person becomes hard like a stone, becomes lifeless like a brick after gaining a lot of knowledge - what have you got? If knowledge makes a person harsh and harsh then there is no benefit of such knowledge. The human mind that love has not touched, it will be rooted out in the absence of love. A drop of love - a sprinkling of inertia makes a man alive.

Do not ask caste, ask knowledge of monk.
Acquire the two sheaths lying on the wall.
Spiritualism: A true monk rises above all kinds of discrimination. Do not ask him what caste he is and how knowledgeable the monk is. The caste of the monk is like a sheath and his knowledge is like a sword. The edge of the sword is its value - its sheath does not increase the value of the sword.

The sage is not hungry for the wealth of the hungry.
If you are hungry for money, then the monk is not there.
Connotation: The mind of a monk knows the emotion, is hungry for emotion, he is not a hunk of money, who is a hunger for money, he cannot be a monk!

Read it, learn it, hear it and not eat it.
Say Kabir Kaso, this is the root of sorrow.
Meaning: Read a lot of books, listen to the guna, but still the thorn of doubt does not come in the mind. To erase?

Prem nor body arises, Prem nor Haat sold.
Raja Parja Jehi Ruche Sis Dehi was taken.
Meaning: Love does not grow in the field, love does not sell in the market, whether it is a king or an ordinary people - if you want to get love, then it will be met only by self-sacrifice. Love cannot be found without sacrifice and sacrifice. Love is intense - intense emotion - not bought and sold!

Kabir is soi pir who pir on leaving.
The Kafir Bepir, who does not know what the Pir is.
Meaning: Kabir says that the true pir-saint is the one who knows the other's suffering, who does not know the other's suffering, they are unrelenting - ruthless and infidel.

Hard Burned Wood Burned Burning Necklace.
Kautikhara also calls for burns
Meaning: The bones burn in the burning process, the wood that burns them burns, the one who burns in them also burns one day. When the time comes, the viewer watching the scene is also burnt. When this is the end of all, whom should I call my wife? Whom should I request - beg or request someone? Everyone is bound by a destiny! The end of all is one!

Spending the night sleeping and eating the day
Heera Janam Amol was a penny.
Sense: spent the night, spent the day, and spent a precious life like a diamond, offering the precious subjects of the world - the wishes and desires - what can be sad?

Mind dirty body light heron insidious organ.
For all the ravens, your body and mind are the same color.
Meaning: The body of the heron is bright but the mind is full of blackness - it is good to have a crow whose body, mind is the same and he does not cheat anyone.

Kabir is none of ours, we are the sons of Kahu.
The boat arrived in Parai, where the Bichhuri Jahi meet.
Spiritualism: In this world, no one is our own nor are we of anyone! Just as all the passengers sitting together after getting across the river get separated, similarly we are all going to get separated together. All worldly relations are going to be left here

The punishment for body is all to Kahu.
The ignorant wept cried with the knowledgeable.
Meaning: The punishment for wearing a body - enjoyment or destiny is certain, which all have to suffer. The difference is so much that a knowledgeable or intelligent person indulges this enjoyment or misery in a sensible manner, remains contented while the ignorant weeps - the unhappy mind suffers everything!

The jeweler tries the word jewelery
Kabir tried his hard work
Meaning: The jeweler knows the value of the diamond - the essence of the word - the prudent monk who examines the stilt - is a gentleman. Kabir says that the one who examines the monk-asadhu - his opinion is more serious!

Test it once or again and again.
Balu to hoo kirkiri jo shanai hundred times
Meaning: If a person examines just once, then there will be no need to test it again and again. Even if the sand is sieved a hundred times, its gritty will not go away - in the same way, even if you test the foolish demon again and again, he will get his foolishness full of wickedness. But the right person is tested at once!

Patibarthi unhygienic throat glass vessel.
This is how the sun's holdings are in all the stories.
Sense: A woman who is filthy is also good if her body is dirty. Even if there is only a garland of glass beads around his neck. Yet she shines like a sun's radiance among all her friends!

Jin Khoja Tin Paiya, Deep water penetration,
I fear Bapura Bodan, sit on the edge.

Meaning: Those who always try in life, they get what they want, like if a diver goes into deep water, he gets something. But some people do not do anything for fear of drowning in deep water or for fear of failing and are sitting on the shore.

Say Kabir due you, when you look like your body.
Who will say body, who will say body.

Sense: As long as this body is there, you keep giving something. When the body is found in the dust, then who will say 'two'.

Who will say body, who will say body.
Definitely doing favors, it is the fun of life.

Sense: Who will ask you to give it after you die? So do charity in a definite manner, this is the fruit of life.

Or the world for two days, do not do it.
The Guru Charanan brought Chit, which is the Puran for happiness.

Sense: The brunt of this world is two days, so do not add attachment to it. Set your mind at the feet of Sadhguru, who is the one who gives complete comfort.

Speak like this, lose your mind
Cool the others, you cool.

Meaning: After erasing the ego of the mind, speak such sweet and humble words that make others happy and happy themselves.

The knot is like a hand, the hand is a body.
Next haat na bania, lena hoy so leh.

Meaning: Bring the hand that is tied in the knot, and the one who is in the hand felt it in charity. After the male body, there is no market-merchant among the mines, take this so take it.

Religion does not decrease wealth, river does not fall.
Look at your eyes, this is how you say Kabir.

Meaning: Religion, charity, doing charity service is not an event of money, see the river always flows, but its water is not an event. Religion and see for yourself.

Say, give life somewhere, learn the master.
Sakat Jan Aushwan, no ferry answer

Sense: Let go of the one who is talking about vomiting, you should follow the instruction of the Guru. Do not answer after reversing the evil spirits and dogs.

Kabir does not go here, which is for the family.
Do not know the sorrow, take the name father.

Guru Kabir tells the sadhus that do not go there, where there is a relation of the former family. Because those people will not know the importance of your saintliness, they will only take the name of the physical father, 'so-and-so boy has come'.

Eat as much food as you want.
Drink as you drink water

Bhartharth: 'Aaatashuddhi:' is a popular proverb like mana food made in the same way, and man will be able to speak in the same way as he would get preaching. So keep the behavior and the company right.

Kabir does not go where the village of Siddha is.
Swami says no, sit again and again.

Spiritualism: Do not go even in the place of arrogant Siddhas who consider themselves as paramount. Because Swamiji would not say about sitting properly, he would keep asking names again and again.

Get favored by Aru Mana, get gross juice.
Say Kabir tahin, this is the love of children.

Connotation: Worship, worship, whole customs, and going wherever the mind meets, it should be dear to the saints.

Kabir's fellow monk, the party is full.
Indrin was then tied, or tanned.

Sense: When a group of saints have a sense of conscience, disinterest, compassion, forgiveness, equality, etc. when it comes to the heart. Then the saints stopped the Idris and dusted the diseases of the body. Took over the body and mind.

Gari thick knowledge, which is necessary in Ranchak Ur.
Some kind of work, bari inverted payan parai.
Gari so what han, hirdai who holds this knowledge.

Meaning: If there is a little tolerance in your heart, O mixed street is a great knowledge. By tolerating, crores of work improve in the world. And the enemy comes and falls on his feet. If knowledge comes to the heart, then what harm is there to the abused?

Stems from suffering, strife and suffering.
The loser is a saint, but he dies, so low.

Sense of contention: There is talk of rebuke from abuse and even death. By this, he who is disgusted by accepting his defeat is a saint, and the person who dies in abusive and quarreling is despicable.

Do not give sister to Bahte, Kar Ghi Hhu Thaor
Say, listen or not, say the word, Dui.

Sense: Do not let the flowing, hold it and take it out on the role of humanity. Even if he does not listen or listen, give two words of judgment.

You are bound to stop, so dear.
Auspicious man is born again and again.

Sense: O slave! You can serve Sadhguru, then you can have a swaroopa-interview. The best opportunity of this human birth will not be found again and again.

Again and again, he said, listen to me
Like Banjare's bull, Pada Mahi Meech.

Meaning: O lowly man! Listen, I tell you again and again. For example, the bull of the merchant is killed in the middle way. By the way, you too will die suddenly one day.

Mind the king king, hang the wheel.
Hai hai hai hai rahi, capital invested

Spirituality: Mana-raja became a very heavy businessman and got covered by a lot of subjects. There are benefits in pleasures - people are saying, but falling into it also destroys the capital of humanity.

As the bulls of Banijare, bharami firyo chhundesh
Khand Ladi is a Bhus Khat, preaching without the Satguru.

Meaning: Even by loading sugar on the back like the bulls of merchants, they ferment around eating straw. Thus in this way, without saying the teachings of the true Sadhguru, even human beings are destroyed in the subject matter.

Jeevat koy not samuzai, message not saying message.
What is preaching, not introduction to body and mind?

Meaning: While having a body, no one understands the matter of true knowledge, and who will go to teach them when killed. What did you preach to someone who is not aware of your body and mind?

You are awake with Jivi Jiwari, you are tied like Kabir.
Just like the flour, the same body.

Meaning: The rope of the illusion and fascination with which the creatures of the world are tied. Hey wellness inclined! You do not tie it. Flour fades as if without salt. By the way, your perfect male-body hymn like gold is being wasted.

Bad jo dekhon i dekhon chala, bad na milia koye, jo
dil khoja apna, bad se koye.

Sense: When I came out to find evil in this world, I did not get any worse. But then when I looked into my mind, I found that there is no one worse than me in the world.

Pothi Padhi Padhi Jag Jag Muya, Pandit Bhaya na Koy,
two and a half times love, read so Pandit Ho.

Meaning: Saint Kabirdas ji says how many people have gone out of the world after studying many big books but all of them could not become scholars. Kabirji believes that if any person understands love well, then he is the greatest knowledgeer of the world.

The monk should like this, as the soup is subhay, sar-sar gahi,
shatha dei blow.

Meaning: Just like cereal is a purifying soup, in this world, there is a need for gentlemen who save meaningful things and remove things from the fruitless.

When the straw is not blasphemy, which is five feet, when the pigeon is
blown away, then the Pir is dense.

Sense: In this couplet, Saint Kabirdasji says that do not condemn a small straw by thinking it as small, as it comes out under the feet and in the same way, when it flies to the eye, it gives a lot of wounds.

Reject slowly, everything is done slowly,
gardener irrigates hundred pitches, fruits come in season.

Meaning: Just like if you put a lot of water on a mango tree every day and sit in the condition of mango coming under it, you will come in the mango season itself, in the same way, having patience is done.

Mala ferrat jag bhaya, do not turn your mind,
turn the bead of the tax turn the bead of the mind.

Meaning: When a person rotates with a beads of pearl in his hand for a long time, but his emotion does not change. Saint Kabirdas gives such advice to such a person, that instead of turning the beads of beads in his hand, change the pearl of the mind.

Do not ask the caste of a monk, ask for knowledge, buy knowledge
of the family, lying two sheaths.

Meaning: It is good to ask the caste of gentleman and the knowledgeer that his knowledge should be understood. Like a sword is worth not a shell that covers it.

Look at friends, let go of Hasnt, come,
do not remember your own, whose beginning and end.

Sentiment: Saint Kabirdas ji says in his couplet that it is the nature of a human being that he laughs after seeing the faults of another and is happy. Then he does not see the faults inside him. Those who have neither beginning nor end.

Sant Na Chhadai Santai, Kotik Mile Asanti.
The sandal poison is not spread, the bhujang remains wrapped.
Sense: A true person is one who never gives up his gentleness, no matter how bad people may get it, just as the sandal is never poisonous despite thousands of poisonous snakes clinging to the sandalwood tree.

The monk needs a soup like that.
Thout dei blows the essence.
Meaning: A good person should have soup like that which keeps the grain but excludes its peels and other non-essential things.

Do everything to your body, make your mind rare.
Get all the methods, which will appease the mind.
Meaning: We all clean our body every day but very few people clean the mind. A person who clears his mind, he becomes a true person in every sense.

Wash what happened, which does not go to waste.
Always stay in water, do not wash the bass.
Meaning: If the dirt does not go away, what is the use of such a bath? The fish is always in the water, but no matter how much it is washed, it does not smell.

Pothi read and read, Jag mua pandit bhaya na koye.
Two and a half years of love, whoever studies, should be a priest.
Spirituality: No one ever became knowledgeable by reading thick books. He who read two and a half letters of the word "love" became a true scholar.

Gone are the days, not the company of the same brother.
Love without animal life, Bhakwant without devotion.
Meaning: Kabir Das ji says that he who never associated with good people nor did any good work, his entire life time was wasted. A person who does not have love for others is like an animal and who does not have true devotion in his heart never has goodness or God in his heart.

Kabira is Soi Pir, who is Pir on the go.
Who does not know Pir, So Pir in Pir.
Spirituality: A person who understands the suffering of others is a true person. Who does not understand the suffering of others, what good is a person!

Mati says to Kumar, what are you doing?
One day it will come like this, I will be raondungi.
Meaning: The soil tells the potter that today you are trampling me, but one day it will come when you too become mud and I will trample you!

Kabira laughed when we were born, we cried,
Walk like this, we laughed and cried.
Bhaarthar: Kabir says that when we were born everybody was happy and we were crying. But go on doing such a thing in life that when we die, everyone weeps and we laugh.

Call today so do today, sleep today
There will be catastrophe in the moment, when will it be done
Spirituality: Kabir Das Ji says that do what you want to do tomorrow and do what you want to do today. Life is too short, what would you do if it was over in a moment.

Sai, give me so much
I should not be hungry either, sadhu or not hungry.
Meaning: Kabir Das Ji, O God, you only give me so much that I can go through it. I should not be hungry and the guest should not go hungry either.

Bad that I went to see, bad neither Millia coy,
Whatever you have discovered, do not mind me.
Sense: When I started searching for evil in this world, I did not get any bad. When I looked into my mind, I found that there is nothing worse than me.

The night was lost, the day was lost
The diamond is born as amol, and it should be changed.
Meaning: Destroyed the night in sleep - Keep sleeping - Did not get free time from food in the day. This human birth was precious like diamonds, which you have wasted - you did nothing meaningful, so what is the value of life? A penny

Not done with green leaves for the past / last day.
Now, what do you regret
Sense: Every good day while watching - Good time has passed - You have not made a flame from God - Did not love what will be gained by regretting the passage of time? At first, they were not aware - in the same way that a farmer should not take care of his field and birds may waste his crop on sight.

What should Kabir Suta do, do not wake up and Murari
One day you too will sleep, long legs spread.
Meaning: Kabir says - Why do you sleep in ignorance? Achieve the awakening of knowledge and take the name of the Lord. Meditate on the Lord by awake. That day is not far when you have to sleep in deep sleep - why not wake up until you can wake up? Why don't you remember God's name?

Not green when I was, now I am green.
All darkness disappeared, Mahi saw the lamp.
Sense: When I was immersed in my ego - I could not see the Lord - but when the Guru illuminated the lamp of knowledge within me, then all the darkness of ignorance was erased - ego went out of the light of knowledge and God in the light of knowledge Found it

There is no one in the world who is cool
Put this temper, pity everyone.
Meaning: Kabir Das ji says if our mind is cold then we cannot have any enemy in this world. If you leave the ego, then everyone is ready to pity us.

Do all you can to pray in sadness
Whoever worships in happiness, why should there be sorrow?
Meaning: Kabir used to say that no one remembers God in happiness but in grief everyone prays to God. If God is remembered in happiness then why will there be sorrow.

In the mind, please give me a wish, you have not done it.
If the body escapes in water, no one should eat dry.
Meaning: While explaining to human beings, Kabir says that leave the desires of the mind, you cannot fulfill them on your own. If ghee comes out of the water, no one will eat dry bread.

Maya mui na mana mua, muri muriya gayi sarir.
Asa trisna na mui, thus Kabir
Meaning: Kabir says that Maya neither dies nor mind while living in the world. Not knowing how many times the body is dead but the hope and craving of man never dies, Kabir has said so many times.

Sadhu is hungry, money hungry
If you are hungry for money, then you are sad
Spiritualism: Kabir Das Ji used to say that a sadhu would always be hungry for compassion and love and never hungry for money. And he who is hungry for wealth cannot be a monk.

Kabir so Dhan Sanche, which will be in front.
Sis offer a bundle, do not take it away.
Bhaarthar: Kabir says collect the money which will be useful in future. When he tied the bundle of money on his head, he did not see anyone.

Do everything to your body, no one can change your mind.
Enjoy all the achievements, you will be happy.
Meaning: Wearing saffron clothes in the body is easy, but making the mind a yogi is rarely the work of individuals. If the mind becomes a yogi, all the attainments are easily attained.

Devious words bad things
The sage word is water form, Barsai Amrit Dhar.
Meaning: Bad words are like poison and good words are like nectar.

Eat as much as you want
Drink water as it is.
Meaning: Kabir Das ji says that our mind gets like the food we eat, and the way we drink water becomes our voice.

God Kabir was happy, where the mind flew from there.
Whatever you do with consistency, so you get the fruit.
Meaning: Kabir says that the body of a worldly person has become a bird and wherever it has its mind, the body flies and reaches there. True, one gets the same results as he does.

Pothi padhi padhi jag mua, pandit bhaya na koye,
Two and a half years of love, read it, Pandit Hoy.
Meaning: After reading big books, many people in the world reached the door of death, but not all scholars could. Kabir believes that if one reads only two and a half letters of love or love well, recognizes the true form of love in a sense, then that will be true knowledgeable.

The monk wants this, as the soup comes,
The essence is very deep, blows it.
Meaning: In this world, there is a need for such gentlemen as there is a grain cleaner soup. Those who will save the meaningful and blow the fruitless.

Do not mourn the grave, which is five feet,
When Pigeon falls away, then Pir becomes dense.
Meaning: Kabir says never condemn even a small straw that gets buried under your feet. What a pain it is if that speck blows you in the eye!

Slowly, I refuse, slowly everything happens,
 Gardener watered a hundred pitchers, thus came fruits.
Meaning: Being patient in the mind makes everything happen. Even if a gardener starts watering a tree with a hundred pots of water, the fruit will be planted only when the season comes!

Mala ferrat jug bhaya, do not turn around,
Dar bead of tax, turn heart bead.
Meaning: A person rotates a garland of pearls in his hand for a long time, but his mood does not change, his mood does not calm. Kabir's advice to such a person is to change or turn the beads of the mind by discarding this garland of hands.

Do not ask caste, ask sage, ask knowledge,
Buy the family, let the sheath remain.
Meaning: One should not understand the gentleman's caste and understand his knowledge. The sword is valued, not its sheath - the shell that covers it.

Dost looking for strangers, LOL
Do not remember your own, whose beginning nor end.
Spiritualism: It is human nature that when he laughs after seeing the faults of others, then he does not remember his faults which have no beginning nor end.

Jin Khoja Tin Paia, Deep Water Penetration,
I fear Bapura Budan, sit on the edge.
Meaning: Those who try, they get something in the same way as a hard-working diver goes into deep water and brings something. But there are some poor people who are sitting on the edge of fear of drowning and cannot find anything.

Bid is priceless, whoever says, know
The scales are weighing, then the mouth comes out.
Meaning: If someone knows how to speak correctly, then he knows that speech is an invaluable gem. Therefore, he weighs in the scales of the heart and lets it come out of the mouth.

Ati's not speaking well, Ati's best
It does not rain well, the sun does not shine.
Meaning: Neither it is good to speak more, nor it is better to remain silent than necessary. Like, too much rain is not good and too much sun is also not good.

Blasphemous Nire Rakhia, Angan Kuti Chhavi,
Without water, soap, cleanse
Sense: One who condemns us should keep closer to himself. He cleans our nature by revealing our drawbacks without soap and water.

Rare man is born, not a body again and again,
Trees as leaf blossoms, do not bear much.
Spirituality: In this world man's birth is difficult. This human body is not found again and again in the same way as if a leaf falls from a tree, it is not put on putting it again.

Kabira stood in the market, asked everyone well
Neither friendship with Kahu nor hate with Kahu.
Spirituality: In this world, Kabir wants only in his life that all is well and if there is no friendship with anyone in the world, then there is no enmity either!

Hindus say Mohi Ram Piara, Turks say Rahmana,
Let me fight with each other, go to Maram na Kou.
Bhaarthar: Kabir says that Hindus are devotees of Rama and Turks (Muslims) love Rahman. On this matter, both of them fought and died, even then neither of them could know the truth.

Demand is like death, ask for alms
It is better to kill mangan te, this is the lesson of Satguru.
Meaning: Kabir Das Ji used to say that asking is like dying, so never ask anyone for anything.

Kahat Sunat went all day, urzhi na surjhiya mana
Kabir is not Chetya, he is on his first day.
Sense: Every day passed while listening, but this mind could not be solved by getting entangled. Kabir says that even now this mind is not conscious. Even today its condition is same as the first day.

Kabir Lahari Samand, pearls came scattered.
Heron did not know the distinction, laughed at the gap.
Meaning: Kabir says that pearls came and shattered in the sea wave. Heron does not know their secret, but Hans is eating them selectively. This means that only a person knows the importance of anything.

When the property is received by the customer, then the quality is sold.
When the property is not customary, then the penny is replaced.
Meaning: Kabir says that when a customer is found to be testing the quality, then the quality has value. But when such a customer is not found, then the quality goes away.

Kabir said, Garbio, Kaal ghe kar kar case.
Don't know where Marissi, Cai home
Bhaarthar: Kabir says, O man! What are you proud of? Kaal is holding your hair in your hands. Do not know where he will kill you, at home or abroad.

The water is bubbling, as is Manus.
One day will be hidden, as Tara Parbhat.
Sense: Kabir's statement is that just like water bubbles, similarly the body of a human is brittle as soon as the stars are hidden as soon as dawn, similarly this body will also be destroyed one day.

Kindle burns juvenile, case burns grass grass.
Watching everything burns, Kabir sad.
Meaning: This mortal human body burns like wood in the end and the hair burns like grass. Seeing the entire body burning like this, Kabir's heart fills with sadness at this end.

Whatever is Ugya, it is Antbai, Phuliya is Kumla.
Whoever falls asleep, who came to sleep
Spiritualism: The rule of this world is that what has risen will end. What has developed will wither away. The one who has gone will fall and the one who has come will go.

False happiness is called happiness, mind is mode.
Khalka Chabena period, some laps in some mouths.
Bhaarthar: Kabir says hey living soul! You call false happiness as happiness and there is happiness in the mind? See, this whole world is like that food for death, whatever is in its mouth and some is kept in its lap to eat.

No one should get such, give us the help
Drowns in the ocean
Senseless: Kabir is grieving for the worldly people, saying that he did not find such a pioneer who would preach and take these creatures out of his hands with his hair while drowning in the ocean.

Sant na chhadai santai
Chandan Bhuvanga Sitia, Tau Seetlata na Tajant
Meaning: Even if a gentleman gets crores of evil men, he does not give up his good nature. The snake is wrapped by sandalwood tree, but it does not leave its coolness