Friday 26 December 2014


How To Easily Grow an Endless Supply Of Onions Indoors

How awesome would it be if every time you needed an onion for your recipe or meal, you just reach over to your window and pluck a fresh one out!
Sure, you can find them in every supermarket, but you could never have enough information about their origin. I know I would gladly grow them year around outdoors if I could, but that is not a choice for me living in Minnesota. Maybe you are fortunate to live in a climate that allows you to grow year around but then there may be the problem with space. Well, I have found a solution for all!
This Is What You Need
5 L plastic bottle
pair of scissors
onion bulbs
Start by cutting the neck off the plastic bottle.
Cut some holes in it, with the scissors. The holes should be big enough for the onions.
You then make sure the onion sprouts are positioned through the holes.
Put layers of soil and sprouts, adding them until the bottle is full.
You can add the neck back on (simply tape it around) or leave it like that.

Water the soil and set it on your windowsill.
In no time, onions will sprout out the bulbs, you can watch them grow, and eventually flavor your dishes with them. Enjoy!

You have our permission to reprint this article via creative commons license if you attribute us with a live backlink to this article. - Organic Health


You'll get the most out of this veggie's cancer-fighting antioxidants by eating it raw; cooking onions at a high heat significantly reduces the benefits of phytochemicals that protect against lung and prostate cancer. Try combining chopped raw onions with tomatoes, avocado, and jalapeño peppers for a blood sugar–friendly chip dip. Finish with a splash of lime juice.


On the cob or off, just make sure you eat your corn cooked! A study in the Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry found that the longer corn was cooked, the higher the level of antioxidants like lutein, which combats blindness in older adults. Try this recipe for coconut grilled corn.

 Alfalfa sprouts

This tiny powerhouse is rich in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that protects against lung cancer and helps maintain healthy skin, hair, nails, gums, glands, bones, and teeth. It's also a good source of vitamin E, which may help prevent heart attacks, stokes, and lower the risk of death from bladder cancer. Try this chicken, avocado, alfalfa sprouts sandwich.

Use Garlic Instead of Antibiotics
from Fine Cooking #110, p. 36-37

You go out of your way to buy the freshest, peak-season vegetables, not only because they taste good but also because they’re packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. But did you know that how you cook them makes a huge difference in how well they retain those nutrients? Some cooking methods preserve nutrients and even help them enter your bloodstream, while others can destroy them. So once you get those vegetables home from the market, look to the strategies here to get the most nutritional bang for your buck.

1. Limit the waterWhen you cook vegetables in water, you lose nutrients. You know that green hue the water takes on after you’ve boiled or blanched your broccoli? That’s a sign that vitamins like C and B have leached into the water, only to be poured down the drain. To retain these vitamins, cook vegetables in as little water as possible for a minimal amount of time (unless you’re planning to consume the water, as in a soup). Steaming and microwaving, both of which use little water, will give you the same results as boiling or blanching but with much less nutrient loss. So instead of boiling potatoes before mashing them, steam them. Instead of blanching broccoli, green beans, or asparagus, steam or microwave them until crisp-tender.

Similarly, if you want your vegetables cooled, don’t plunge them into an ice bath; like hot water, cold water can also leach nutrients. Instead, cook vegetables for a minute less and then spread them in a single layer on a baking sheet so they’ll cool quickly at room temperature.

2. Use a little fatEating plain steamed vegetables may sound like the best way to go nutritionally, but you’re actually better off eating vegetables with some fat. Many nutrients, like beta carotene, vitamin D, and vitamin K are fat soluble, so they can only pass from our intestine into our blood stream with some fat to carry them across. It’s like a nutritional buddy system. So toss those steamed veggies with a flavorful vinaigrette, or sauté or stir-fry them—all of these methods use some fat (which helps maximize absorption) but little if any water (to minimize nutrient loss). They’ll also make your vegetables tastier than plain steamed ones, so you’ll be inspired to eat more.

3. Add citrusVegetables like spinach, broccoli, and kale contain lots of iron, but it’s in a form that’s difficult for our bodies to use, so most of it passes through undigested. Vitamin C, which citrus fruits provide in spades, reacts with iron chemically, changing it into a form that’s more easily absorbed by our bodies. In other words, it makes the iron user-friendly. So go ahead and add a splash of lemon, lime, orange, or grapefruit juice to that stir-fry or sauté.
The three strategies here are all used in the recipe opposite; it’s a perfect example of how to maximize nutrition in a delicious way. The green beans are briefly steamed instead of boiled. Then they’re sautéed with yellow peppers and shallots in a touch of healthful olive oil until just tender. Fresh spinach is tossed in at the end, and the dish is finished with splash of orange juice. I can’t think of a better way to get the most out of your vegetables.

Vegetable Sauté with Orange and Balsamic
Vegetable Sauté with Orange and Balsamic

Good to Know: Prepping VegetablesCooking affects how vegetables retain nutrients, but how you prep them matters, too. Here are some tips:

Wash before cutting Cutting a vegetable breaks its cell walls, allowing nutrients to escape into any water on contact. By washing uncut vegetables, nutrients stay safely tucked inside their cell walls and won’t be leached into the water.

Keep the peel on Many key nutrients are found in or just under the vegetable peel, so leave the peel on whenever possible.

Cook soon after cutting Nutrients can be destroyed when exposed to light and air. Cook and eat vegetables soon after cutting to keep vitamins and minerals secure in their cells as long as possible.

Cut larger, uniform pieces Larger pieces mean fewer cell walls severed and fewer nutrients lost to heat, light, or cooking water. Cutting uniform pieces ensures that everything is done at the same time, eliminating overcooked pieces and loss of nutrients.
Photos: Scott Phillips
posted in: Blogs, vegetable saute

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What Happens When Drinking Honey-Lemon Water Early in the Morning

What happens to your body if you drink this potion early in the morning immediately after getting up?
lemon water honey remedy morningThis healthy beverage is an excellent substitution for early coffee and it has amazing benefits of the overall health.
This powerful combination of its ingredients is antioxidant-packed and an excellent solution for losing weight and detoxifying your body. It will also help you for improving a lot of health conditions such as:
  • boosts your energy level so that you don’t feel tired all the time
  • cleanses the body of all impurities, such as toxins and pesticides
  • aids digestion
  • soothes stomach pains
  • relieves anxiety and calms your nerves
  • regulates the level of hormones
  • speeds up metabolism
  • eliminates bad breath
  • heals cough and cold
  • builds stronger immunity
  • prevents constipation
  • moisturizes the skin
  • heals acne
  • slows aging and prevents formation of wrinkles
How to prepare it? 
The method for preparation is very simple and easy. Just add a teaspoon of organic honey in a glass of warm water, and squeeze half a lemon. Stir well and drink immediately. Cheers to your well-being !

Coconut shredder 

automated coconut dehusker machine 

Coconut Tree Climber  

Coconut Dehusking(cutting) Machine



Coconut Dehusking machine


Category : Agriculture & Rural | Idea Level : 1


In our project we use lever mechanism, which improve our knowledge about levers. We joined the parts of the device by welding and pin joint. This leads to know about welding and pin action.
Our project’s main goal is to make an evolution in agricultural field. Lets we see all the details about our project in bellowed contents.

Novelty and Usefulness

Reduce the effort greatly as compared to the other Coconut dehusker machines.
Low cost as compared to hydraulic powered Coconut dehusker machine.
Faster operation of snaps of husk.

Description of Innovation

We are pleased to bring out our project “Design and Fabrication of pedal operated Coconut dehusking machine” for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering. This project is aimed to reduce the effort taken for Coconut dehusking. In commercial methods lot of efforts are taken to dehusk the Coconut. There is a device same like this in which equal effort is required to dehusk the Coconut as required in direct manner. However there is a machine to dehusk the Coconut powered by hydraulics, it includes more capital cost, required more skilled operator and more time consuming. To overcome these demerits we are developed this device.
In our project we use lever mechanism, which improve our knowledge about levers. We joined the parts of the device by welding and pin joint. This leads to know about welding and pin action.
Our project’s main goal is to make an evolution in agricultural field. Lets we see all the details about our project in bellowed contents.


For home uses
And also for small scale industries
agricultural uses

Current Stage

Our project’s main goal is to make an evolution in agricultural field. now its used in some home and shops.

Further Research

we are take the step to improve our project to next stage that is improving the efficiency and reduction of time.



Award / Support




Srinivas Institute of Technology students develop Coconut Dehusking Machine

10:03 PM, Thursday, June 28th, 2012
1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
(7 votes, average: 1.86 out of 5)
 Coconut Dehusking MachineMangalore: There is some good news for coconut growers  who have to spend a great deal of time in dehusking coconuts before selling the same. Students from the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Srinivas Institute of Technology, Valachil have developed a Coconut Dehusking Machine that can peel husks of as many as 120 coconuts in an hour.
Final year students namely Rahul R Kamath, Ashwin Kamath, V Sudhir Rao, Santosh P Saldanha have developed this device with the guidance of their professor Ramesh Kumar KR.
The project was aided by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology.





Saturday 20 December 2014

HEALth ~ janaushadhi ~ Agnihotra - Healing Fire - The Ancient Science of Healing and Purification ~ ~ agniHOTra ~ homa therapy ~ ___cow_dung___briks___


Are you having digestive issue after the holidays? These three recipes will help with your digestive issues.
Digestive health is very important to help our excrete toxins and wastes that the body doesn’t need. So, keeping the digestive tract healthy is important for the proper extraction the body needs to do. These recipes will speed up your digestive system progress.
1. Drink 2 tablespoons of olive oil with a little bit of lemon juice. This combination will quickly activate the digestive system. It is best to take this mixture in the morning or a few hours after you eat.
2. Juice 2 lemons into a glass of water and drink.
3. Drink 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of lukewarm water. Baking soda soothes bad digestion, but is not recommended those who have stomach ulcers.
Also, to aid in healthy digestion, you might want to think about eating more organic fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, and water. These are natural and organic that can flush the body of toxins and aid in digestion.

for CANCER treatment contact this person. pl. spread this video

 Squash seeds ಸ್ಕ್ವ್ಯಾಷ್ ಬೀಜಗಳು Skvyāṣ bījagaḷu 

Pumpkin ಕುಂಬಳಕಾಯಿ   spinach: ಪಾಲಕ

Squash and Pumpkin Seeds

Squash and Pumpkin Seeds () are found in the center of squashes or pumpkins and are usually prepared by roasting them in an oven or pan.
Health Benefits of Squash and Pumpkin Seeds:
  • Increased Immune Function
  • Reduced Risk of Colon Cancer
  • Alleviation of Cardiovascular Disease
  • Alleviation of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
  • Promoted Eye Health
  • Osteoporosis�Protection
  • Stroke Prevention
  • Antioxidant Protection
  • Prevention of Epileptic Seizures
  • Alleviation of the Common Cold
  • Prevention of Alopecia (Spot Baldness)

DV vs DRI comparison

Comparison between DV (Daily Values) which were established for nutrition labeling back in 1968 (and are still used on all nutritional labels) and current DRI (Dietary Reference Intakes) established by Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine at National Academy of Sciences. While for many vitamins and minerals DV recommendation are close to current DRI recommendations, for some vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin B12 and biotin they are much higher than current recommendations. The FDA has indicated that it plans to update the DV based on the newer DRI, but it has not been done yet.
Balanced Trio was created for safe and effective long-term use, amounts of vitamins and minerals in Balanced Trio formulas are based on DRI. On the labels you will often see the amounts that are not 100% DV. The table below explains the differences.
Daily Value (DV)
Dietary Reference
Intakes (DRI)
for Adult Men
Dietary Reference
Intakes (DRI)
for Adult Women
Vitamin A 5,000 IU 3,000 IU 2,300 IU
Vitamin C 60 mg 90 mg 75 mg
Vitamin D 400 IU 200-600 IU (AI*) 200-600 IU (AI)
Vitamin E 30 IU 22-33 IU** 22-33 IU**
Vitamin K 80 mcg 120 mcg (AI) 90 mcg (AI)
Thiamin 1.5 mg 1.2 mg 1.1 mg
Riboflavin 1.7 mg 1.3 mg 1.1 mg
Niacin 20 mg 16 mg 14 mg
Vitamin B6 2 mg 1.3-1.7 mg 1.3-1.5 mg
Folic acid 400 mcg 400 mcg 400 mcg
Vitamin B12 6 mcg 2.4 mcg 2.4 mcg
Biotin 300 mcg 30 mcg (AI) 30 mcg (AI)
Pantothenic acid 10 mg 5 mg (AI) 5 mg (AI)
Choline None est. 550 mg (AI) 425 mg (AI)
Calcium 1,000 mg 1,000-1,200 mg 1,000-1,200 mg
Iron 18 mg 8 mg 8-18 mg
Phosphorus 1,000 mg 700 mg 700 mg
Iodine 150 mcg 150 mcg 150 mcg
Magnesium 400 mg 400-420 mg 310-320 mg
Zinc 15 mg 11 mg 8 mg
Selenium 70 mcg 55 mcg 55 mcg
Copper 2 mg 0.9 mg 0.9 mg
Manganese 2 mg 2.3 mg (AI) 1.8 mg (AI)
Chromium 120 mcg 30-35 mcg (AI) 20-25 mcg (AI)
Molybdenum 75 mcg 45 mcg 45 mcg
Potassium 4,000 mg 4,700 mg (AI) 4,700 mg (AI)
*AI stands for Adequate Intake and is indicated when Recommended Daily Allowances are not established.
**22 IU natural or d-alpha-tocopherol; 33 IU synthetic d,l-alpha-tocopherol.


22 Magnesium Rich Foods for Healthy Body Function 

World's Healthiest Foods rich in

 Pumpkin Seeds18048%


 Swiss Chard3538%


 Sesame Seeds20632%


 Black Beans22730%


 Navy Beans25524%


Where Do Foods Containing Magnesium Come From? …From Soil Containing Magnesium

Chart of Magnesium Rich Foods

The following a list of the magnesium content in common food sources of magnesium is sorted by milligrams magnesium per gram of food content.
Serving Size, Common Units Serving Size, Grams Milligrams Magnesium Milligrams Magnesium per Gram % Daily Value (DV)
Cocoa, unsweetened 2 tbsp. 10 52 5.24 14%
Bran Breakfast Cereal, ready to eat 1 oz. 28 78 2.78 19%
Almonds 1 oz. 28 75 2.68 19%
Cashews, dry roasted 1 oz. 28 73 2.61 18%
Pumpkin Seeds, roasted 1 oz. 28 73 2.61 18%
Molasses 1 tbsp. 20 48 2.42 12%
Peanuts, dry roasted 1 oz. 28 49 1.75 12%
Peanut Butter 2 tbsp. 32 49 1.53 12%
Whole Wheat Bread, homemade 1 slice 28 37 1.32 9%
Halibut 3 oz. 85 91 1.07 23%
Navy Bean Sprouts, raw 1 oz. 28 28 1.01 7%
Mackeral 3 oz. 85 83 0.97 21%
Spinach, boiled 1/2 cup 90 79 0.87 20%

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts are very healthy and nutritious. In addition to being excellent sources of protein, nuts and seeds have many other benefits such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other chemicals that may prevent cancer and heart disease. Although many people are hesitant to eat nuts because they are high in fat, eating nuts can provide a sense of fullness or satisfaction that actually causes you to eat less of other high-calorie, high fat foods. Additionally, nuts are high in essential amino acids and healthy fats, making them an important part of any vegan or vegetarian's diet.
Quick Page Summary: Eating nuts and seeds are a great way to add vitamins, minerals, fiber, and essential fatty acids (like omega 3 and omega 6), to your diet. Some great choices include almonds, cashews, flaxseeds (ground), peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, and walnuts. If you have time, you may want to purchase raw nuts and seeds and soak them in purified water for up to 24 hours; this starts the germination process, which makes them much more nutritious.
Healthy Choices
The world's healthiest nuts and seeds include:
  • AlmondsAlmonds – Almonds are a good source of protein, vitamin E, manganese, magnesium, copper, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), and phosphorus. Almonds are also concentrated in protein; a quarter-cup contains more protein than the typical egg. Although one-quarter cup of almonds contains about 18 grams of fat, most of it (11 grams) is heart-healthy monounsaturated fat. Eating almonds can lower bad cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart disease, provide protection against cardiovascular disease and diabetes, boost energy, and help prevent gallstones. Whole almonds (with skins) provide the most heart-healthy benefits.
  • CashewsCashews – Cashews are high in antioxidants and have a lower fat content than most other nuts; additionally, 75 percent of their fat is unsaturated fatty acids. Cashews are also a good source of monounsaturated fats, copper, and a good source of magnesium and phosphorous. Eating cashews promotes good cardiovascular health, even in individuals with diabetes.
  • FlaxseedFlaxseeds – Flaxseeds, also known as linseeds, are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Flaxseeds may provide anti-inflammatory benefits, protect your bones, and protect against heart disease, breast cancer, and diabetes. Eating flaxseeds also lowers blood pressure in men with high cholesterol. Flaxseeds are also rich in fiber and manganese and are a good source of folate, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), magnesium, phosphorous, and copper, and lignan phytonutrients. You'll need to grind them up first (or purchase ground flaxseed) to gain the most nutritional benefits.
  • PeanutsPeanuts – Peanuts are a good source of heart-healthy monosaturated fat, flavonoid (resveratrol), antioxidants, phytosterols, phytic acid (inositol hexaphosphate), and folic acid, making them heart-healthy, a good way to reduce your risk of stroke, and possibly even cancer. Peanuts are also a good source of vitamin B3 (niacin), folate, copper, manganese, and protein, and are a significant source of resveratrol, a chemical studied for potential anti-aging effects.. Peanuts and peanut butter may also help prevent gallstones and protect against Alzheimer's disease. It wise to ensure that peanuts, especially raw ones, are stored in a cool, dry, environment (such as a refrigerator or freezer), as an extremely toxic and highly dangerous fungus (aflatoxin) can easily grow on peanuts when the temperature is between 86-96°F (30-36°C) and humidity is high.
  • Pumpkin SeedsPumpkin seeds / pepitas – Eating the green, hulled, pumpkin seeds (also called pepitas) may promote prostate health, protection for men's bones, anti-inflammatory benefits for those with arthritis, and help lower cholesterol. Pumpkin seeds are a good source of the essential fatty acids, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, and copper, protein, and vitamin K.
  • Sesame SeedsSesame seeds – Sesame seeds and tahini are rich in beneficial minerals. Not only are sesame seeds a very good source of manganese and copper, but they are also a good source of calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, vitamin B1 (thiamin), zinc, dietary fiber, and healthy (monosaturated) fats. They contain powerful antioxidants called lignans, which are also anti-carcinogenic. They also contain phytosterols, which block cholesterol production. Sesame contains one lignan unique to it called sesamin. Eating sesame seeds may help lower cholesterol, provide relief for rheumatoid arthritis, and support vascular and respiratory health. The nutrients of sesame seeds are better absorbed if they are ground or pulverized before consumption.
  • Sunflower SeedsSunflower seeds – Eating sunflower seeds may help provide anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular benefits, lower cholesterol, and prevent cancer. Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of vitamin E. Sunflower seeds are also an excellent source of linoleic acid (an essential fatty acid), dietary fiber, protein, and minerals such as magnesium and selenium, and are high in cholesterol-lowering phytosterols.
  • WalnutsWalnuts – Walnuts are an excellent source of omega-3 essential fatty acids. Walnuts are also a good source of manganese, and copper. Walnuts are also an important source of healthy (monounsaturated) fats. Eating walnuts may benefit your cardiovascular system, improve cholesterol in individuals with type 2 diabetes, help brain functions, protect bone health, and help prevent gallstones. Walnuts also have bio-available melatonin, which helps regulate sleep. A new study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (Oct. 17, 2006) found that eating walnuts after a meal high in unhealthy fats can reduce the damaging effects of such fats on blood vessels. Walnuts also contain l-arginine, which is an essential amino acid that the body uses to produce nitric oxide, necessary for keeping blood vessels flexible.
*According to the George Mateljan Foundation. See the "World's Healthiest Foods" web site for more information.
Mixed NutsTo Soak or Not to Soak...
Although eating nuts and seeds, even when roasted, can be very healthy, it may be beneficial to purchase your nuts and seeds raw and then soak them in clean water for a few hours before eating them. Soaking raw nuts and seeds stimulates the process of germination, which increases the vitamin C, B, and carotenes (pre-vitamin A) content. It may also neutralize phytic acid, a substance present in the bran of all grains and seeds that can inhibit some absorption of calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, and zinc. Raw nuts and seeds also contain enzyme inhibitors that are neutralized by germination.
If you choose to soak your nuts and seeds, please follow these general guidelines:
  1. Getting ready: Use raw, preferably organic, nuts and seeds. Make enough for three days only. Use a glass or stainless steel bowl or jar (plastics may contain toxins). Rinse your nuts or seeds (purified or distilled water is generally preferred).

  2. Soak them: Place your nuts and seeds in in the bowl or jar and then cover it with something breathable, like a towel or pantyhose. Let them soak according to the following schedule (all times approximate).

    • Almonds, germination time 8 – 12 hours at room temperature
    • Cashews, whole, germination time 2 – 2 1/2 hours at room temperature
    • Sesame seeds, germination time 8 hours at room temperature
    • Sunflower seeds, germination time 2 hours at room temperature
    • Walnuts, germination time 4 hours at room temperature
    • All other nuts, germination time 6-24 hours at room temperature
    Over the course of the soaking, drain and rinse the nuts or seeds two (2) or three (3). Each time you do this, make sure you rinse them until the water drains clear. This is especially important with nuts and seeds that soak for longer amounts of time.
  3. Afterwards: After you've soaked them, you may want to do a final rinse with grapefruit seed extract or organic apple cider vinegar, as these can will clean them of bacteria without being absorbed. You now have germinated nuts and seeds! You're ready to eat them. You can store the leftovers in the refrigerator for up to three (3) days.
Vegan / Vegetarian Nuts & SeedsIf the idea of soaking your nuts and seeds seems too time-consuming an endeavor for you, don't worry—many nutrients cannot be heated out of foods, like protein, vitamin E, and fiber, which are found in ample quantities inside nuts and seeds of all kinds, both cooked and uncooked.


Healthy nuts and seeds you should eat every day

Nuts and seeds are super healthy and most of us aren’t eating enough of them. They are a great natural source of vitamins, minerals, protein, fat, and fiber. I’ve eaten tons of nuts and seeds as part of my anti-cancer diet since January 2004 and I think you should too.

Depending on whose list you read, the number one healthiest nut is either the almond or the walnut, but there’s no way to really rank them. The “healthiest nut” is the one with the nutrients your body needs most on a given day. Of course no one knows which one that is. So the best strategy is to eat a variety.

Here are the top healthiest nuts:

Almonds have as much calcium as milk, and contain magnesium, vitamin E, selenium and lots of fiber. They can lower cholesterol and help prevent cancer.
Walnuts are extremely good for your heart and brain, and contain ellagic acid a cancer-fighting antioxidant.
Pecans have tons of vitamins and minerals like Vitamins E and A, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, B vitamins, and zinc. And they help lower cholesterol.
Brazil Nuts are a good source of protein, copper, niacin, magnesium, fiber, vitamin E, and a great source of selenium.
Cedar Nuts/Pine Nuts have Vitamins A, B, D, E, P and contain 70% of your body’s required amino acids.
Cashews are rich in minerals like copper, magnesium, zinc, iron and biotin. They are actually a low-fat nut, and like olive oil, they have a high concentration of oleic acid, which is good for the ticker (your heart). According to Dr. Andrew Saul, one big handful of cashews provides one to two thousand milligrams of tryptophan, which will work as well as prescription antidepressant Prozac.  
Note: Cashews are not recommended for cancer patients due to potential levels of fungus

Here are the top healthiest seeds:

Flax seeds are definitely at the top of my list. Two tbsp of ground flax seed per day is ideal and easy to add to oatmeal or smoothies. I also take Barleans Cold-Pressed Organic Flax Oil because it is the best source of parent omega-3s (better than fish oil) and Lignans, super anti-oxidants that help fight cancer. It also contains a lot of fiber and can reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. 
Chia Seeds are incredibly healthy seeds rich in omega-3 oils, protein, anti-oxidants, calcium, and fiber. Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia!
Hemp seeds are a certified superfood with cancer and heart disease prevention properties. They are high in protein and fiber, with balanced omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.
Sunflower seeds also help prevent heart disease and cancer with phytochemicals, folate, Vitamin E, selenium and copper.
Pumpkin Seeds are great for your immune system with lots of antioxidants (carotenoids), omega-3 fatty acids and zinc.
Sesame Seeds are a good source of calcium, magnesium, zinc, fiber, iron, B1 and phosphorus.  They can lower blood pressure, and protect against liver damage. Sesame seeds have also been linked to prevention of many diseases like arthritis, asthma, migraine headaches, menopause, osteoporosis, and may even reduce PMS symptoms.
Tahini is a ground sesame seed paste that’s popular ingredient in Middle Eastern dishes we eat, like hummus.
Finally Apricot seeds (aka Apricot kernels), Apple seeds, and other bitter fruit seeds contain Amygdalin aka Vitamin B17 which has incredibly powerful anti-cancer properties.  There are many cases of people who cured their cancer with Apricot kernels alone!  The pharmaceutical Laetrile which is a concentrated form of Amygdalin has been used in cancer clinics outside the US for over 50 years. I dedicated an entire post to Apricot Kernels HERE.

Do Nut Eat This (worst pun ever, I’m sorry)
The one nut I don’t really eat much is the peanut, which is technically a bean.
Here’s why:

Peanuts can contain a carcinogenic mold called aflatoxin, and they are notorious for being one of the most pesticide-contaminated crops.
Instead of peanut butter, I prefer to eat organic nut butters like almond Butter, sunflower seed butter and walnut butter.

Embrace Your Inner Hippie
I like to go to the bulk section of Whole Foods (where the big plastic bins of nuts are) and buy a couple pounds of Raw Organic seeds and nuts. I take them home and mix them all together in my Super Trail Mix.

Eat them straight out of the bag, throw some in a bowl for the family, or toss them on a salad. Either way, a couple handfuls of my Super Trail Mix every day will rock your body with super nutrients. So go ahead and embrace your inner hippie, throw on a pair of birkenstocks with socks, dowse yourself in patchouli, and load up on some trail mix. I like to keep a bowl out for everyone to snack on at home, and a tupperware container in the car to snack on when I’m out and about.

Notice I said “Raw Organic“.  That’s super important.  I don’t buy the fried, salted, roasted, honey-glazed, candied, or any other “special flavor” nuts. Frying and roasting nuts converts the fats into an unhealthy form, and most seasonings are made from artificial flavors, chemicals, and preservatives, contain MSG, and are high in sodium. 
If you want to maximize the nutrients you get from nuts, soak them in distilled or purified water overnight. This helps neutralize enzyme inhibitors and phytic acid both of which may affect digestion and absorption of the nutrients in seeds and nuts. It can also help reduce the amount of pesticides on them if they are not organically grown.
Simple Soaking Directions: Place 4 cups of nuts in a bowl with enough distilled water to cover the nuts completely.  Add a tablespoon of celtic sea salt.  This helps the neutralize enzyme inhibitors. Different seeds and nuts have different soaking times, but the easiest rule of thumb to remember is to let them soak 7 hours (overnight).  You many or may not like the taste of soggy nuts, so you’ll need to dehydrate them in a dehydrator or oven for 12-24 hours. If you do it in the oven, keep the temperature under 150 degrees and shift them around on the pan occasionally. You don’t want to roast the nuts, just dry them out.  Every oven is different so it might take some experimentation to get the ideal drying time figured out.  And because this is essentially a 24 hour process it makes sense to do several big batches at a time. Afterward compare the flavor of the soaked and dried nuts versus the non-soaked nuts. You might be surprised to find they taste better, depending on the nut and your taste.
One exception: Cashews should soak 6 hours or less and need to dry out quickly at 200-250 degrees or they can get funky.
The Excalibur Dehydrator is the one that all the health gurus use and recommend.
Here’s a shopping list you can copy, paste, and print out:
Brazil Nuts
Cedar Nuts
Sunflower Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds
Almond, Cashew or Sunflower Seed Butter


The rest of the seeds I mentioned don’t work very well in trail mix because they are too small and all end up at the bottom.
One of my favorite snack bars is the Nutiva HempseedBar.  It’s made with organic hemp, flax, sunflower, pumpkin seeds, and sweetened with honey.  It’s a super tasty way to get some super healthy seeds in your diet.
They also have a Flax & Raisin Bar, and a Flax, Hemp & Chocolate Bar.
Get yourself some here! 


Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds nutritional information

One ounce of roasted pumpkin or squash seed kernals (no salt) contains 8.46 grams of protein, 163 calories and 1.8 grams of dietary fiber.

Potassium - 223 mg
Phosphorus - 333 mg
Calcium - 15 mg
Magnesium - 156 mg
Iron - 2.29 mg
Sodium - 5 mg
Manganese - 1.273 mg
Zinc - 2.17 mg
Copper - 0.361 mg
Selenium - 2.7 mcg
Also contains trace amounts of other minerals.
Vitamin C - 0.5 mg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.02 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.043 mg
Niacin - 1.256 mg
Pantothenic Acid - 0.162 mg
Vitamin B6 - 0.028 mg
Folate - 16 mcg
Vitamin A - 2 IU
Vitamin E - 0.16 mg
Vitamin K - 1.3 mcg
Contains some other vitamins in small amounts.


 15 Best Benefits Of Squash Seeds You Should Be Aware Of

Squash seeds are high in nutritional value and an excellent source of vitamins like B1, C, and beta carotene. Thus, the seeds offer many benefits along with their distinct flavor and properties of healing. Squash seeds are grown in large quantities in Mexico, India, the United States and China.
Let us look at the top 15 benefits of this wonderful gift of nature:

Squash Seed Benefits:

1. Snacks:
Squash seeds are a great snack due to their convenient availability and for the healthy nutrients they contain. Squash seeds can also be seasoned and baked.
2. Arthritis:
Squash seeds are helpful to treat arthritis. They are anti-inflammatory, thus they reduce stiffness, pain and swelling in case of arthritis. These do not have any side effects like increased damaging fats, lipids, peroxides which actually line the joints and increase symptoms of arthritis.
3. Bone Health:
Zinc deficiency can lead to bone fractures. Squash seeds are a good source of zinc that increase bone density. Osteoporosis can be caused due to low levels of zinc in the body, which leads to weakening of the bones of the hip and spine.
4. Intestines:Squash seeds are helpful to treat intestinal problems. Gastritis is cured by ingesting squash seeds. Native American tribes use squash seeds to get rid of parasites like tapeworm and roundworm. Squash seeds are also followed by a laxative.
5. L-triptophan:
Squash seeds contain L-triptophan that treats depression. L-triptophan, an amino acid, is a vital nutrient and must be taken in moderate levels.
6. Prostate Health:
Squash seed oil has positive effects on prostate health. Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) enlarges the prostate gland by stimulating testosterone and dihydro testosterone. Seed oil from squash also slows down the cell multiplication.
7. Anti-stress:
These contain glutamate that is essential for synthesis of γ-amino butyric acid (GABA). This is an anti-stress neuro chemical inside the brain that reduces anxiety, irritability, and other neurotic problems.
8. Amino acid: 
The seeds contain protein – the amino acid tryptophan and glutamate. Tryptophan gets converted into serotonin and niacin, a natural sleeping pill.
 9. Antioxidants:
Squash seeds are excellent sources of the anti-oxidant Vitamin E which is a good lipid soluble antioxidant. This makes up tissue cells from the free radicals during injury and maintains the mucus membranes’ integrity. This also protects the skin from free radicals.
10. Cholesterol:
They have high caloric protein, fats and are rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), which lowers bad LDL cholesterol and increases good HDL cholesterol in the blood. This also helps to prevent coronary artery disease and strokes.
11. Diabetes:
Squash seeds extract treats diabetes and boosts insulin regulation in patients. It maintains kidney function in diabetes. This decreases oxidative stress that plays a vital role to maintain blood sugar levels.
12. Antimicrobial:
Squash seed extracts and oil have anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-viral benefits.
13. Improves mood:
This is a natural way to cool off the hot flashes, headaches, joint pain and improves mood swings in PMS in women. This also reduces cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
14. Weight loss:
Squash seeds can help you to lose weight since they are filled with fiber and protein. This also contains protein that helps to keep you fuller for a longer time.
15. Sexual benefits:
They have many sexual benefits and are known as the ‘bedroom powerhouse’. This acts as a sexual stimulant, is prostate-friendly and uplifts libido. This helps to maintain healthy prostate functioning and increases sexual performance. This contains phosphorous that plays an important role for healthy erections and a strong libido. Zinc in the seeds maintains the sex hormone testosterone and healthy sperm production in men. It controls sperm release in men during urination and contains the amino acid, Myosin for muscular contractions and energy.
Do you eat squash seeds? Do leave us a comment below.

After we soak our rice to cook, typically it is thrown away. This, however, is wrong; traditionally this was used as an ancient Chinese treatment.
If you have never heard of or used rice water, it is high time to benefit from rice waters many health and beauty benefits. For centuries, Asian women have used rice water to beautify their face, body, and hair. Traditionally, female rice farmers in China, Japan, and other Southeast Asian countries used to bathe and wash in the water used for cleaning rice.
Rice water has amazing hair and skin benefits. A recent study has shown that rice water exhibits wonderful hair care effects, such as decreasing surface friction and improves elasticity. Rice water has inositol, a carbohydrate that can repair damaged hair, as well as protect it from damage.
Do not limit rice water to hair, rice water also has many skin benefits. Due to its cooling and soothing effects on the skin, rice water is often prescribed by Ayurveda practitioners as an effective ointment to cool off inflamed skin.
Rice water also has moisturizing, antioxidant, and healing properties that help to improve circulation, prevent or fade age related spots, and ease inflammation to give you healthy, better moisturized and clear skin.
It also has many health benefits including:
It gives your body energy and increases the concentration of carbohydrates.
Successful cures gastroenteritis.
Acts preventive against cancer.
Regulates high blood pressure.
Regulates body temperature
How to prepare:
Make the rice as you normally would, but instead of following the recommended water amount add in more than you normally would.
You can drink the mixture while it is still warm, or use it to wash your hair and face.

You Have About 5 to 30 Pounds Of Poison In Your Colon! Here is Your Solution


People do not give much thought to the functioning of the colon. The colon, however, is a vital part of a healthy, functioning body.
The colon also known as the large intestine removes water, salt, and some nutrients forming stool. A colon that is not functioning correctly will hold onto waste longer than is good for your body. An unhealthy colon does not move along the waste efficiently at all.
It should take only around 24 hours for food to process through your body, but with the modern way of eating that lacks essential nutrients the transit time sometimes slows to 70 hours which results in up to 30 pounds of accumulated waste. One of the most common signs of this condition is constipation.
“The heavy mucus coating in the colon thickens and becomes a host of putrefaction. The blood capillaries to the colon begin to pick up the toxins, poisons and noxious debris as it seeps through the bowel wall. All tissues and organs of the body are now taking on toxic substances. Here is the beginning of true autointoxication on a physiological level. This accumulation can have the consistency of truck tire rubber. It’s that hard and black.”
The Master cleanse is a 10-16 day program that was developed by Stanley Burroughs in 1940. It is one of the easiest and most effective colon cleansers you could ever hope for.
2 Tbsp Organic Lemon Juice
2 Tbsp Pure Organic Maple Syrup
1/10 Tsp Cayenne
Ten Ounces of Filtered Water
Mix everything very will and drink 5-8 times per day for a minimum of 10 days and a max of 16.

In-charge, Health Center   Dr. R. K. Jais
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Kanpur 208016
Phone: +91-512-259 6015 (Off.) 259 8483 (Res.)

 Swasthya Mantras

Uruli Kanchan - 412202
District-Pune, Maharashtra (India)
Phone No. : +91-020-2692 6298/2692 6230
Fax. : +91-020-2692 6225
E-Mail :

institute has set up the unique example in the field of Naturopathy i.e. "The way of Life". People from every corner of India and abroad come here and experience the miracles of the unique drugless holistic approach for management of chronic functional diseases. Patients suffering from Arthritis, Cardio Vascular diseases, Diabetes, Bronchitis, skin diseases, Asthma. Digestive and Gynaecological problems, Neuro muscular disorders & obesity are very well managed by simple ways of nature cure. Day in the Ashram begins with prayer & yoga and ends with prayer. Thus along with other physical treatments, psychological and spiritual aspect is taken care of to make the treatment complete.

Every day lectures on nature cure principles, dietetics,yoga and various chronic diseases are arranged to educate the patients and make them aware about the importance of laws of nature. Round the year Ashram has indoor capacity of 200 patients per day. 

Diamond Harbour Road Konchowki, P.O. & P.S. Bishnupur 24-Parganas (S) Pin: 743503 West Bengal (India)+91 33 24533880/

6 Serious Side Effects Of Pineapple

The Jan Aushadhi initiative will make available quality drugs at affordable prices through dedicated stores selling generic medicines which are available at lesser prices but are equivalent in quality and efficacy as expensive branded drugs. Some comparative prices are: Prices in Rs. as of (Sep, 2013)
Name of Salt Dosage Pack Jan Aushadhi Price Market Price
Tab. Ciprofloxacin 250mg 10 12.89 54.79
Tab. Ciprofloxacin 500mg 10 24.99 125.00
Tab. Diclofenac 100mg 10 4.20 60.40
Tab. Cetrizine 10mg 10 2.75 20.00
Tab. Paracetamol 500mg 10 3.03 09.40
Tab Nimesulide 100mg 10 3.16 39.67
Cough Syrup 110ml Liquid 13.30 33.00

The Jan Aushadhi Campaign will accordingly:

* Promote greater awareness about cost effective drugs and their prescription.
* Make available unbranded quality generic medicines at affordable prices through public-private partnership.
* Encourage doctors, more specifically in government hospital to prescribe generic medicines.
* Enable substantial savings in health care more particularly in the case of poor patients and those suffering from chronic ailments requiring long periods of drug use.

Awareness & Communication

Publicity Campaign

  • 1. National Toll free helpline 1800-180-8080 for dissemination of information on generic versions with same drug compositions (activatrd))
  • 2. SMS based facility to assist a citizen in finding a low-proided generic version.
  • 3. Catalogues shall be kept at stores for reference by public.
  • 4. Web based facility will also be activated to find out generic versions.
  • 5. Workshops and Seminars with Doctors to disseminate and sensitize them on promotion on protection of low priced generic drugs. .
  • 6. Adequate coverage on print and electronic media.
  • 6. Use of Social Media.

Contact Us

Bureau of Pharma Public Sector Undertakings of India (BPPI)

IDPL Corporate office, IDPL Complex, Old Delhi Gurgaon Road, Dundahera,  Gurgaon-122016 (Haryana). and 
Room No. 304, 3rd floor, ‘B’ Wing, Janpath Bhawan, Janpath,  New Delhi-110001.

Victoria Hospital, City Market,  Bangalore -560 002  Phone  : 080-2670 1150 Ext 201-202          
Direct : 080-2670 3320  Fax   : 080-2670 3267

Dr. T.Durganna MBBS, MS, FRCS (Glasgow) Medical Superintendent Mob : 98451-83861 

Dr. Kantaraj.J Resident Medical  Officer Mob : 94498-52326 

Mr. K.H.Honna Raju Asst. Administrative Officer Mob : 97435-69404 

Mrs.Pankaja.S.K In charge Chief Pharmacist Mob: 9972246674


Bangalore: Karnataka Govt to Sell Generic Drugs at 50 Percent of MRP

Tuesday, June 19, 2012 9:21:24 PM (IST)  

Bangalore: Karnataka Govt to Sell Generic Drugs at 50 Percent of MRP

From Our Special Correspondent
Daijiworld Media Network - Bangalore

Bangalore, Jun 19: With a view to help the poorer sections of the people, the Karnataka Government has decided to sell generic drugs at 50 percent discount on maximum retail price (MRP) by opening generic drug stores in all hospitals that come under the jurisdiction of the Medical Education Department.
The Department in collaboration with the Karnataka State Co-operative Consumer Federation Ltd would set up Janata Bazaar Generic Drug Stores in hospitals and sell medicines at 50 percent discount prices.

Speaking to reporters here on Tuesday, the Medical Education Minister S A Ramdas said Chief Minister D V Sadnanda Gowda would inaugurate the first Janata Bazaar Generic Drug Store on June 21 in the premises of Victoria Hospital in the city.

Later, stores would be opened on the premises of all hospitals come under the Medical Education Department, he said.

“Janata Bazaar Generic Drug Store will sell medicines at 50 percent less of MRP. This initiative would be boon to the poor patients and the general public,” the minister said.

''This type of programme is first in the State to reach the medicines to the patients, directly from the manufacturers,” Ramdas said.
The stores would also offer 50 percent discount on MRP for branded drugs, surgical, essential drugs and orthopedic implants.
He clarified that below poverty line families would continue to get medicines free of cost in government hospitals.
India ranked first in the production of generic medicines in the world. However, the country occupied fourth place in terms of consumption of generic medicines, he said.

In a bid to popularise the generic drugs, the Department has decided to sell medicines at less prices.
An order would be issued soon directing all government hospital doctors to prescribe only generic drugs to patients, he said.
Stating that Centre’s drug policy was responsible for increase in the prices of branded drugs, the minister said the policy decontrolled prices of 170 essential drugs out of 440 available in the country.

Penalty on Doctors Refusing Rural Service
To overcome shortage of doctors and ensure quality health services in rural areas of the State, the Government has decided to impose penalty on medical students studying in government medical colleges and under government quota in private colleges who refuse to serve in rural areas after successful completion of the course.
The Medical Education Minister said penalty amount of Rs 10 lakh, Rs 15 lakh and Rs 25 lakh respectively would be imposed on students who complete MBBS, PG Diploma holders and post-graduate courses and refused to serve in rural areas.
The Government would promulgate an ordinance soon to make one-year of rural service mandatory for MBBS undergraduates and post-graduates immediately after successful completion of the course.
It would also obtain written bonds from students promising that they would serve in rural areas after completion of graduation.
A Bill to make rural service mandatory for fresh graduates would be tabled in the extended budgetary session of the legislature next month, he said.
Replying to a question, the minister said to make the rural service attractive, the government would provide residential accommodation, incentives and better salary packages for fresh graduates.
The law would be framed in a manner that makes this rural service mandatory to get a permanent registration as a practising doctor with the Karnataka Medical Council, officials said.

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Karnataka Antibiotics & Pharmaceuticals Limited(KAPL)

Name of the company
Karnataka Antibiotics & Pharmaceuticals Limited
Registered office
1st Block, Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore-560010
Telephone, Fax
080-23351590, 080-23371350
Managing Director
Shri S.L.Phadke
This was a Joint Sector Undertaking promoted by Hindustan Antibiotics Limited (HAL) in collaboration with Karnataka State Industrial and Investment Development Corporation (KSIIDC). Subsequently, the shares held by Hindustan Antibiotics Limited have been transferred to Government of India in the year 2009. Now Govt. of India holds 59% of the equity shares and the rest is with KSIIDC. The Company was incorporated on 13th March, 1981 and the commercial production started from August, 1984. The manufacturing units and the registered office of the company is located at Bangalore(Karnataka). The main products are pharmaceuticals formulations like tablets, capsules, injectables, etc. KAPL, from the very first year of its operations, earned profits and is an MOU signing company.

For more details please visit KAPL's website :

List of Generic Medical Store's in Maharashtra State as follows,

1. Generic Medical Store,
Yadav Nagar, Near Itwari Railway Station, Nagpur.

2. Sandip Medical stores,
Sane Guruji Arogya Kendra,
Hadapsar, Pune.

3. Prabodhan Generic Medical Store,
12, Mangalya Society, Siddhartha nagar, Road no 17,
Goregaon (W), Mumbai - 400062
Phone No:- 022 28797590 / 9820241931
Email :-

We will update this list time to time as new generic medical stores open soon in Maharashtra State.

National toll free number / helpline about Generic Medical Stores in India 1800 180 80 80


Three generic medicine stores opened in State

print   ·   T  T  
Staff Reporter
Orissa becomes the first State in eastern India to launch Jan Aushadhi campaign
Plan to open more such stores
India is the biggest exporter of generic medicines, says Union Minister

BHUBANESWAR: Jan Aushadhi, a campaign to provide quality generic medicines at affordable prices to all, was launched in the State with opening of three stores in and around the capital city on Saturday.
Jan Aushadhi stores were inaugurated by Srikant Kumar Jena, Union Minister of State for Chemicals and Fertilizers and Prasanna Acharya, Orissa Minister for Health and Family Welfare on the campus of Capital Hospital, Red Cross Bhawan and District Headquarters Hospital, Khorda.
The campaign is being implemented with the help of Pharma Central Public Sector Units (CPSUs) such as Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Limited, Hindustan Antibiotics Limited, Karnataka Antibiotics and Pharmaceutical Limited, Bengal Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Limited and Rajasthan Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Limited in collaboration with the State Health and Family Welfare Department.
Addressing a press conference, Mr. Jena said Orissa became the first State in eastern India and fifth in the country to have stores selling generic medicines. While all districts of Punjab have been covered with Jan Aushadhi stores, Rajasthan had already 30 such stores, he said
So far 222 generic medicines were available in Indian market and under the Jan Aushadhi campaign, stores would be opened in all 626 district headquarters hospitals across India, Mr. Jena said.

For every store, the government would be initially paying Rs. 2 lakhs as one-time grant and Rs. 50,000 as recurring expenses.

The government roped in Indian Red Cross for opening these stores and later bonafide NGOs could also run such stores.
Pointing out that India was the biggest exporter of generic medicines worth Rs. 50000 crore annually, the Union Minister said India was going to be benefited immensely due to off-patenting of drugs in United States that had market worth 300 billion dollar.
Mr. Acharya said the State was planning to open three more stores at Angul, Dhenkanal and Jeypore immediately.
“We will motivate doctors to prescribe generic medicines so that people could take advantage of drugs at cheaper price,” he said.
Big plans
Mr. Acharya said the State government was contemplating procuring generic medicines in huge volumes for its hospital.
It was estimated that the State government purchases drugs worth Rs. 20 crores for consumption in government-run health institutions.
However, drugs worth Rs. 800 crores were transacted within the State annually.
The Union Minister said the launching of campaign would bring about a sea change in drug market and availability of low-cost medicines would compel big medicine companies to lower their prices.


  Important Links

Dept. of Chemicals and Petrochemicals
National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA)
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, S.A.S. Nagar
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Ahmedabad
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Hyderabad
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Hajipur
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Kolkata
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Guwahati
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Rai Barelli
Indian Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Limited (IDPL)
Hindustan Antibiotics Limited (HAL )
Rajasthan Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Limited (RDPL)
Karnataka Antibiotics & Pharmaceuticals Limited (KAPL )
Bengal Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Limited (BCPL)
Pharmaceuticals Export Promotion Council (PHARMEXCIL) 
India Council of Medical Research (ICMR)
Department of Science & Technology(DST)
Council of  Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)
Central Drug Standard Control Organisation

Low-cost medicines soon at a generic drug store near you

More to come: Although there are generic drug stores on the premises of government hospitals like this one at Victoria Hospital, the new drug shops will be located anywhere in the neighbourhood. File Photo: V. Sreenivasa Murthy

Patients will be able to buy medicines at 20 p.c. of MRP

To make healthcare more affordable, the State Health and Family Welfare Department will soon permit the launch of neighbourhood generic drug shops across the State. Patients can buy medicines at 20 per cent of the maximum retail price (MRP) at these shops.
Announcing this at the inauguration of the Sir C.V. Raman General Hospital in Indiranagar, Health Minister Aravind Limbavali said the department was planning to tie-up with co-operative societies and voluntary organisations to run these shops.
He said these generic drug shops will not be located within government hospitals. The Medical Education Department has recently started generic drug stores in its hospitals in Bangalore (Victoria and Kidwai), Hassan, Mysore, Hubli and Belgaum.
Saying that the neighbourhood generic shops will be different from those started by the Medical Education Department, he said: “We are providing free medicines to patients in our hospitals and will continue to do so. Our generic shops will be located randomly in the neighbourhood, just like regular medical stores and anyone can make use of the facility.”
He said if the shops are located on the premises of hospitals, doctors would develop a habit of prescribing medicines for patients to be bought from outside and “save the free medicines”.
The Minister, who said the incidence of dengue was much higher in Bangalore compared to other parts of the State, appealed to people to take precautions and join the department in checking the spread of the disease.
Pointing out that it had been noticed that water stagnation near schools and on construction sites had become breeding spots for mosquitoes, the Minister said builders and school managements had been advised not to allow water stagnation on their premises.

Doctor shortage

Expressing concern over the lack of response of specialist doctors to work in government hospitals, Mr. Limbavali said: “We are ready to appoint them on their terms and conditions, even on an hourly basis. We have a shortage of more than 1,000 specialists.”
Appealing to specialists to dedicate some of their time and talent to poor patients visiting government hospitals, the Minister said: “We have spent a lot of money on making them specialists. These doctors should realise this.”

Bangalore gets generic, brands take a hit

Stores like the one at Victoria Hospital will sell both generic and branded medicines authorised by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) | Nagaraja Gadekal
From pain killers to antibiotics to insulin vials, they are available but at half the price at this unique shop which has been doing brisk business, selling medicines worth Rs 8,000-10,000 per day. The first of its kind, the generic drug shop at the Victoria Hospital has proved to be a blessing in disguise for many suffering and poor patients from the city and even neighbouring districts.
Since its inception, the shop has received an overwhelming response with hundreds of patients queuing to buy medicines. These stores will sell both generic and branded medicines authorised by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), surgical equipment and orthopedic implants. These drugs will be available at subsidised rates, almost 60 per cent less than the maximum retail price.
With two generic stores already in operation in the state, 18 more will be opened in government medical hospitals by the end of this year. Bangalore will soon see three more shops — Kidwai Hospital, Bowring Hospital and K C General Hospital. Plans are afoot to open such stores at government run hospitals too.
“One can buy medicines worth Rs 1,000 for just Rs 250 at this shop, the drugs are cheaper by 60-70 per cent. Every day, we get 450-500 patients who mostly come for diabetic and hypertension ailments. A drug like Atorvastatis is available for Rs 13 per 10 tablets while the branded Atorva costs Rs 77 per 10 tablets,” says Suresh, Supervisor.
Presently working on a 12-hour-shift, it will soon work round the clock. Suresh furthers says, “Patients are thronging the shop for purchasing all kinds of medicines for both common and chronic diseases.
Some have even placed orders for medicines that are not available. With the success of such designated stores, the demand for generic drugs in the city is expected to increase.”
With majority of poor patients having no access to either any private or government health insurance cover, the initiative comes as a boon to patients who cannot afford costly branded drugs.
“There should be at least one shop in each locality and government should encourage setting up of such shops in the private sector too by making the procedures easier,” says D L Mohanraj, a pharmaceutical
entrepreneur. All medicines can be manufactured under generic forms but a manufacturer wouldn’t like to, in view of the huge profits earned in branded ones.
Many pharmaceutical companies market branded drugs for common ailments like cold, cough, fever, indigestion and headaches that is four or five times costlier.
A well know drug shop owner says, “Usually, a drug store gets about one in 1000 patients for anti-cancer medicines while the demand is more, about 500 per 1000, when it comes to BP or diabetes medicines.”
“This initiative will benefit all sections of society especially the poor but only OTC drugs are available in the generic category while the badly needed cardiac medicines and important antibiotics in India are branded ones,” says Nagarajan, a bulk drug manufacturer and adds, “The government will have to sustain this programme by procuring drugs from its own companies.”
With the government showing serious concerns and initiating the setting up of more generic shops in the state and also proposing to send a circular to all hospitals requesting the doctors to prescribe generic drugs only, it remains to be seen whether the doctors abide by their Hypocrite’s oath or fall prey to the pharmaceutical’s dragnet.
What are generic drugs?
Generic drugs are normally marketed under its chemical name without advertising and after the expiry of the patents.
Once the generic drugs become available in the market, the resulting competition leads to substantially lower prices, both for the original brand product and the generic forms.

Cow dung bricks

Agnihotra - Healing Fire - The Ancient Science of Healing and Purification

Gomay - Cowdung Chips

Cow dung is treated or used for medicinal values in all ancient cultures such as Native American Indians of North and South America, Scandinavians, East or West Europeans, Africans or Asians.
Cow dung chips are called Gomay in Sanskrit are used in the copper pyramid for agnihotra and also yagnyas.
To order gomay

There are many sources of gomay, if you like to be included please send a mail to Yogini at with details.

The medicinal values are preserved in gomay when agnihotra is performed. Agnihotra ash is used to prepare folk medicine.

How to make Agnihotra Ash Medicine?

Collect Agnihotra ash from the pot and set it aside in a container.
Sift it through a fine mesh like a tea strainer.
This Healing powder can be made into capsules or ointment or eye drops as needed.

Agnihotra ash can be used two ways:


Ways of preparing Agnihotra Ash medicine:

mix with water (a pinch to a glass of water)
mix with honey (1parts to 9parts in weight)
mix with ghee (1parts to 9parts in weight)
as powder (a pinch three times a day)
in capsule (fill agar capsules with Agnihotra ash - take 2 morning and 2 evening)

Heals wounds, insect bites, eczema, skin irritations, burns, blisters, fungal infections, suppurating wounds, sinusitis, cuts, bruises and all kind of skin problems.
Energy bath - put a tablespoon full of Healing power into the bath for a special energy bath.
Body and facial lotion - put a pinch of Healing power in your body lotion, body oil or facial water so that the magnificent effects are readily available. If you do not use any body care products, you can always put some Healing power in almond or olive oil and so create body oil full of energy.

Over all Benefits of Ash Medicine:

Renews brain cells.
Counteracts radio activity.
Purifies the whole psychosomatic man in a holistic way.
Feel stronger and body detoxifies.
Realigns the nature and all pulmonary and circulatory systems
Nourishes the nervous system.
You can do your own experiments: for example add ash to water, yogurt, muesli, etc.


The ancient science of Vedic medicine states that Agnihotra atmosphere and Agnihotra ash are medicinal. Monika Koch of West Germany has done some research on several medicines based on Agnihotra ash. People all over the world have used these medicines successfully to treat a wide range of ailments. They are most widely used in South America and Eastern Europe. Ms. Koch offers the following guidelines for preparation of Agnihotra ash medicines:

To produce Agnihotra medicines, perform Agnihotra. Agnihotra ash is the basic substance necessary for preparation of all Agnihotra medicines.
The ashes of the Agnihotra fire have the pharmaceutical name "Agnihotra Usta" (Latin: Usta - burnt). To use Agnihotra Usta pharmaceutically, pulverize the ash, then sift it through a fine mesh. The result is Agnihotra power.

Agnihotra Powder
Externally for the skin or internally together with water or honey (two to three times a day, half a teaspoonful at a time).

Agnihotra Capsules
Fill agar capsules with Agnihotra power. This is more convenient for travel. Two to three capsules each day.

Agnihotra Ointment
Combine ghee (clarified unsalted butter) with Agnihotra ashes. Ghee is an excellent vehicle and carries the subtle healing substance exactly to the location of the disease. In a pot suitable for preparing ointment mix one part of Agnihotra powder with nine parts of ghee per weight. Externally for burns, dry skin diseases, etc., and internally for heart conditions.

Agnihotra Cream
Combine one part ghee with three parts pure spring or well water by volume. Knead together in a pure copper vessel with the palm of your right hand until the ghee resumes some of the water. Discard the excess water and add again three parts of pure water to the ghee. Repeat this process at least fifteen times. Then combine one part Agnihotra powder with nine parts of this water-ghee emulsion in a pot suitable for preparing ointments. This cream may be used internally or externally and has a profound effect.

Agnihotra Eye drops
Agnihotra eye drops need to be prepared anew daily. Mix one part Agnihotra ash powder with ten parts distilled water. This mixture has to be boiled on low flame for 10 minutes, afterwards pass the mixture through filter paper, triple folded close meshed cheese cloth or similar. From the solution which has passed the filter one can several times a day apply one drop into each eye and also rub one drop onto the skin around the eye.

Agnihotra Suppositories
Combine seventeen parts of Agnihotra powder with ninety-five parts ghee. Heat the mixture until well blended and pour into molds. Solidify in refrigerator. When necessary it can be cut into a suppository form and be applied.

Agnihotra Inhalation
Mix one teaspoonful Agnihotra Usta in a cup of boiling water. The patient is to keep his head directly above the pot containing the hot mixture and deeply inhale the vapor. To concentrate the steam, the patient should put a thick towel over his head which also covers the pot completely.
The following is taken from Pharmaceutical Study Center.

Report #3 prepared by Ms. Monika Koch (translated from German):

The patients sat in Agnihotra atmosphere and used Agnihotra ash medicines and achieved the following results:

Frontal Sinusitis
Regular performance of Agnihotra. Headaches disappeared, pus loosened within two to four days.

Skin Fungus
Agnihotra ash powder applied several times daily. Complete healing within two days.

Baby's Skin Inflammation
Agnihotra ash powder applied four times each day. Complete healing of the inflammation within two days.

Swelling of the Ankle
Agnihotra ash rubbed on ankle. Swelling disappeared in half a day.

Agnihotra ointment applied. Within fourteen days nearly complete healing.

Agnihotra ash powder applied to the skin. Complete healing within two to three days. Patient had nearly no pains.

Hay-Fever with Severe Eye Irritation
Agnihotra ash powder was applied to the corners of the eyes. Eye irritation was cured within half a day. No further treatment was necessary.

Age-Worn Eyes
Agnihotra eye drops applied to corners of both eyes and one drop rubbed in underneath each eyelid. Vision improved after one day.

Severe Congestion
Agnihotra ointment was applied to chest and back daily and nightly. Congestion loosened quickly and was cured after one week.

Nasal Congestion I
Agnihotra smoke inhaled. Within half a day cured.

Nasal Congestion II
Agnihotra ointment applied inside the nose. Congestion cured after two days.

Cold with Sore Throat
Agnihotra ash powder taken with honey. Throat pains were cured very quickly.

Severe Muscle Pains
Agnihotra ash taken internally one to two times daily. Within two days pains disappeared.

One internal application of Agnihotra ash. Stool returned to normal.

Rectal Cancer
One teaspoonful of Agnihotra ash powder taken three times daily, plus Agnihotra suppositories taken twice daily. Substantial healing; little or no blood in stool.

Enlarged Tonsils
Half a teaspoonful of Agnihotra ash powder taken internally twice daily. Tonsils returned to normal. Fever disappeared.

Abnormal Menstrual Bleeding
Agnihotra ash powder taken internally with honey two to three times daily. Within eight weeks bleeding returned to normal; migraine headaches and severe pains disappeared.

Kidney Pain
Agnihotra ash powder taken internally two to three times. Pain stopped.

A pinch of Agnihotra ash powder taken internally two times daily. The time between migraine attacks lengthened; chronic tiredness was cured.

Pressure in the Throat Caused by Nerves
One pinch of Agnihotra ash powder taken internally three times daily. Within four weeks pressure disappeared; all drugs were eliminated.

Difficult Child
One pinch of Agnihotra ash powder given internally in the evening; Agnihotra was performed daily in the child's home. Child became friendly; aggressions disappeared. Daily performance of Agnihotra in the home helped greatly.

Monika Koch, Petergasse 2, D-78345 Moos-Bankholzen am Bodensee, Germany

Tel/Fax: (+49) 07732 - 28 30, E-mail:
Steuer-Nummer: 18390/24752

To read online click on the the following icon:

Om Tat Sat!

How to perform Agnihotra

Start at least 5mts before
the Agnihotra time. Dip
gomay (cow dung chips) in
melted butter and place
them in the pyramid
Light a piece of gomay
and place it in the
arranged chips letting air
Let the fire crackle into a
good flame.
Wait for the exact minutes
and seconds enjoying the
energy and adding few
drops of ghee if necessary.

Pick two pinch fulls of rice
for offering. Make two
portions for two offerings.
Add a spoonful of ghee to
the rice
At Sunset time: Agnaye
Swaaha (offeing goes only
as you utter swaaha)
Agnaye Idam na Mama!

Prajapataye Swaaha (offer
as you say Swaaha).
This mantra is the same for
both morning and evening
Prajapata ye Idam na
This mantra is the same for
both morning and evening
Observe your breath. If you
have a personal mantra
Sit in silence - Believe
your own experience,This
concludes the evening
Agnihotra, now repeat the
same process with
morning Mantra at sun rise.
The entire universe
pulsates with a
coordinated rhythm. This
rhythm synchronizes the
orbits of the moon, planets,
earth and sun.  The earth,
nature and human body
responds to this natural
rhythm called the
Circadian Rhythm.
align and realign to this
rhythm precisely at the
sunset/sunrise transition
point.  This accord with
the rhythm brings peace
and wellbeing.

Agnihotra is a material aid
to a happy life.
An intense energy is
projected from the
Agnihotra pot. This energy
envelops the solar system,
the stratosphere and

Agnihotra Mantras

Evening Agnihotra:

Agnaye swaáhá,
Agnaye idam na mama
Prajápataye swaáhá,
Prajápataye idam na mama

Unto the fire I am offering all.
This offering is not mine it is

Agnaye … fire
swáhá … offering
Agnaye … fire
idam … this
na mama … not mine
prajá- … all the living
pataye … The Lord
swáhá … offering
prajá … all the living
pataye …The Lord
idam … this
na mama … not mine
Morning Agnihotra:

Sooryaya swáahá,
Sooryáya idam na mama
Prajápataye swáahá,
Prajápataye idam na mama

Unto the sun I am offering this
offering. This is not mine, this is Thine.

Sooryáya … sun
swáhá … offering
Sooryáya … sun
idam … this
na mama … not mine
prajá … all the living
pataye … the lord
swaha, … offering
prajá … all the living
pataye … the lord
idam … this
na mama … not mine

Word to word meaning does not give the purport of the mantras.

When the mantras are chanted in the meter in which they are composed, by Supreme Grace the inherent meaning and the power and vibrations impact the entire creation. The healing occurs at the grass roots level in the subtlest manner.

This power of the mantra is locked into the ashes that develop in the fire upon the oblations. These vibrations pulsate the entire universe in a profound, subtle but sure impact and affect.

It is like the fragrance and beauty of a flower when the flower is in the form of a bud.

By grace it radiates all its beauty and joy for the good of the entire universe.
The word Soorya refers to an aspect of Almighty power, the Creator.
Etymologically, “SOO” means to give birth to, to create.
Prajapati means Lord of Creation, another aspect of Almighty power.
The words Soorya, Prajapati and Agni all refer to The Almighty.

On uttering the word Swaaha and the offering in the fire a phenomenal nourishing and energizing impact is created on the entire life & creation.

Idam Na Mama means, “Not mine but Thine.

Accented "á" is pronounced as the ‘a’ in father. Unaccented "a" is pronounced as the 'a' in mature.

How to perform Agnihotra in Summary

1. Smear few cow dung chips with ghee and arrange them in the Agnihotra pot.
2. Mix about a teaspoon full of rice with a small amount of ghee and keep them aside.
3. Start the fire few minutes before sunrise/sunset time.

While chanting the mantra offer the rice smeared with ghee (just enough that one can hold in the tip
of five fingers) at the utterance of ‘Swaaha’ in the fire.

There are only two offerings at Sunset or Sunrise each in the Agnihotra fire.

This card is distributed by the Fivefold path mission public relations committee

How to make Ghee

1. Get sweet unsalted butter.

2. Heat it on stove on low fire.

3. Once white foam no longer rises to the surface and you can see the bottom of the pot clearly (the liquid becomes transparent, golden), turn off the fire.

4. After cooling down pour through a strainer into a glass jar. I would prefer not to use plastic.

The strained liquid is called GHEE (clarified butter).

Guruji Shree Mohan  

Agnihotra Schedule

Agnihotra Schedule is prepared for each dwelling according to the longitude and latitude of a point.

To get your schedule for free please send an email to with your street address.

How to read the timetable?

The timetable has a column on the very left, showing the days of the month (1 to 31). In continuation the different months are mentioned and under every month there are two columns of numbers. One column says SR = sunrise, the other says SS = sunset. When there are 5 numbers, the first number indicates the hour, the next two numbers indicate the minutes and the last two numbers indicate the seconds. When there are only 4 numbers, only minutes and seconds are indicated.

Shown on the timetable is the exact time for each day of sunrise and sunset for a certain place. Exactly at that indicated moment you begin to sing the Mantra (evening/morning Agnihotra Mantra) and put the two portions of rice into the fire with the word "Swaaha".

Om Tat Sat!


  • Agnihotra Starter Kit
  • Agnihotra Travelling Kit
  • Copper Pot
  • Dish
  • Ghee (1 Liter)
  • Ghee (500ml)
  • Guggal
  • Re-Fill Pack
  • Spoon
  • Fork
  • Agnihotra Pot Stand
  • Cow Dung
Agnihotra 6pc Set
Agnihotra/Yangya Set

Agnihotra Cup

Agnihotra offering bowl

Agnihotra spoon

Agnihotra tongs
We are providing gomay or cowdung chips only for the convenience of the agnihotri, so you have some cowdung along with the set to start off with. We are working to get the prices down
Cows resting in the morning sun - pic from
Cowdung - shipping only in USA
We are looking for whole sale supplier of cowdung for agnihotra and yagnya purpose. The following supplier sells cowdung chips.
Charged Shree Yantra Yantras when dedicated for the good of a particular family or an individual are very effective. Else it is just a decoration or an ornament.
Charged Shree Yantra-for more info