Friday 26 December 2014


How To Easily Grow an Endless Supply Of Onions Indoors

How awesome would it be if every time you needed an onion for your recipe or meal, you just reach over to your window and pluck a fresh one out!
Sure, you can find them in every supermarket, but you could never have enough information about their origin. I know I would gladly grow them year around outdoors if I could, but that is not a choice for me living in Minnesota. Maybe you are fortunate to live in a climate that allows you to grow year around but then there may be the problem with space. Well, I have found a solution for all!
This Is What You Need
5 L plastic bottle
pair of scissors
onion bulbs
Start by cutting the neck off the plastic bottle.
Cut some holes in it, with the scissors. The holes should be big enough for the onions.
You then make sure the onion sprouts are positioned through the holes.
Put layers of soil and sprouts, adding them until the bottle is full.
You can add the neck back on (simply tape it around) or leave it like that.

Water the soil and set it on your windowsill.
In no time, onions will sprout out the bulbs, you can watch them grow, and eventually flavor your dishes with them. Enjoy!

You have our permission to reprint this article via creative commons license if you attribute us with a live backlink to this article. - Organic Health


You'll get the most out of this veggie's cancer-fighting antioxidants by eating it raw; cooking onions at a high heat significantly reduces the benefits of phytochemicals that protect against lung and prostate cancer. Try combining chopped raw onions with tomatoes, avocado, and jalapeño peppers for a blood sugar–friendly chip dip. Finish with a splash of lime juice.


On the cob or off, just make sure you eat your corn cooked! A study in the Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry found that the longer corn was cooked, the higher the level of antioxidants like lutein, which combats blindness in older adults. Try this recipe for coconut grilled corn.

 Alfalfa sprouts

This tiny powerhouse is rich in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that protects against lung cancer and helps maintain healthy skin, hair, nails, gums, glands, bones, and teeth. It's also a good source of vitamin E, which may help prevent heart attacks, stokes, and lower the risk of death from bladder cancer. Try this chicken, avocado, alfalfa sprouts sandwich.

Use Garlic Instead of Antibiotics
from Fine Cooking #110, p. 36-37

You go out of your way to buy the freshest, peak-season vegetables, not only because they taste good but also because they’re packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. But did you know that how you cook them makes a huge difference in how well they retain those nutrients? Some cooking methods preserve nutrients and even help them enter your bloodstream, while others can destroy them. So once you get those vegetables home from the market, look to the strategies here to get the most nutritional bang for your buck.

1. Limit the waterWhen you cook vegetables in water, you lose nutrients. You know that green hue the water takes on after you’ve boiled or blanched your broccoli? That’s a sign that vitamins like C and B have leached into the water, only to be poured down the drain. To retain these vitamins, cook vegetables in as little water as possible for a minimal amount of time (unless you’re planning to consume the water, as in a soup). Steaming and microwaving, both of which use little water, will give you the same results as boiling or blanching but with much less nutrient loss. So instead of boiling potatoes before mashing them, steam them. Instead of blanching broccoli, green beans, or asparagus, steam or microwave them until crisp-tender.

Similarly, if you want your vegetables cooled, don’t plunge them into an ice bath; like hot water, cold water can also leach nutrients. Instead, cook vegetables for a minute less and then spread them in a single layer on a baking sheet so they’ll cool quickly at room temperature.

2. Use a little fatEating plain steamed vegetables may sound like the best way to go nutritionally, but you’re actually better off eating vegetables with some fat. Many nutrients, like beta carotene, vitamin D, and vitamin K are fat soluble, so they can only pass from our intestine into our blood stream with some fat to carry them across. It’s like a nutritional buddy system. So toss those steamed veggies with a flavorful vinaigrette, or sauté or stir-fry them—all of these methods use some fat (which helps maximize absorption) but little if any water (to minimize nutrient loss). They’ll also make your vegetables tastier than plain steamed ones, so you’ll be inspired to eat more.

3. Add citrusVegetables like spinach, broccoli, and kale contain lots of iron, but it’s in a form that’s difficult for our bodies to use, so most of it passes through undigested. Vitamin C, which citrus fruits provide in spades, reacts with iron chemically, changing it into a form that’s more easily absorbed by our bodies. In other words, it makes the iron user-friendly. So go ahead and add a splash of lemon, lime, orange, or grapefruit juice to that stir-fry or sauté.
The three strategies here are all used in the recipe opposite; it’s a perfect example of how to maximize nutrition in a delicious way. The green beans are briefly steamed instead of boiled. Then they’re sautéed with yellow peppers and shallots in a touch of healthful olive oil until just tender. Fresh spinach is tossed in at the end, and the dish is finished with splash of orange juice. I can’t think of a better way to get the most out of your vegetables.

Vegetable Sauté with Orange and Balsamic
Vegetable Sauté with Orange and Balsamic

Good to Know: Prepping VegetablesCooking affects how vegetables retain nutrients, but how you prep them matters, too. Here are some tips:

Wash before cutting Cutting a vegetable breaks its cell walls, allowing nutrients to escape into any water on contact. By washing uncut vegetables, nutrients stay safely tucked inside their cell walls and won’t be leached into the water.

Keep the peel on Many key nutrients are found in or just under the vegetable peel, so leave the peel on whenever possible.

Cook soon after cutting Nutrients can be destroyed when exposed to light and air. Cook and eat vegetables soon after cutting to keep vitamins and minerals secure in their cells as long as possible.

Cut larger, uniform pieces Larger pieces mean fewer cell walls severed and fewer nutrients lost to heat, light, or cooking water. Cutting uniform pieces ensures that everything is done at the same time, eliminating overcooked pieces and loss of nutrients.
Photos: Scott Phillips
posted in: Blogs, vegetable saute

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What Happens When Drinking Honey-Lemon Water Early in the Morning

What happens to your body if you drink this potion early in the morning immediately after getting up?
lemon water honey remedy morningThis healthy beverage is an excellent substitution for early coffee and it has amazing benefits of the overall health.
This powerful combination of its ingredients is antioxidant-packed and an excellent solution for losing weight and detoxifying your body. It will also help you for improving a lot of health conditions such as:
  • boosts your energy level so that you don’t feel tired all the time
  • cleanses the body of all impurities, such as toxins and pesticides
  • aids digestion
  • soothes stomach pains
  • relieves anxiety and calms your nerves
  • regulates the level of hormones
  • speeds up metabolism
  • eliminates bad breath
  • heals cough and cold
  • builds stronger immunity
  • prevents constipation
  • moisturizes the skin
  • heals acne
  • slows aging and prevents formation of wrinkles
How to prepare it? 
The method for preparation is very simple and easy. Just add a teaspoon of organic honey in a glass of warm water, and squeeze half a lemon. Stir well and drink immediately. Cheers to your well-being !

Coconut shredder 

automated coconut dehusker machine 

Coconut Tree Climber  

Coconut Dehusking(cutting) Machine



Coconut Dehusking machine


Category : Agriculture & Rural | Idea Level : 1


In our project we use lever mechanism, which improve our knowledge about levers. We joined the parts of the device by welding and pin joint. This leads to know about welding and pin action.
Our project’s main goal is to make an evolution in agricultural field. Lets we see all the details about our project in bellowed contents.

Novelty and Usefulness

Reduce the effort greatly as compared to the other Coconut dehusker machines.
Low cost as compared to hydraulic powered Coconut dehusker machine.
Faster operation of snaps of husk.

Description of Innovation

We are pleased to bring out our project “Design and Fabrication of pedal operated Coconut dehusking machine” for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering. This project is aimed to reduce the effort taken for Coconut dehusking. In commercial methods lot of efforts are taken to dehusk the Coconut. There is a device same like this in which equal effort is required to dehusk the Coconut as required in direct manner. However there is a machine to dehusk the Coconut powered by hydraulics, it includes more capital cost, required more skilled operator and more time consuming. To overcome these demerits we are developed this device.
In our project we use lever mechanism, which improve our knowledge about levers. We joined the parts of the device by welding and pin joint. This leads to know about welding and pin action.
Our project’s main goal is to make an evolution in agricultural field. Lets we see all the details about our project in bellowed contents.


For home uses
And also for small scale industries
agricultural uses

Current Stage

Our project’s main goal is to make an evolution in agricultural field. now its used in some home and shops.

Further Research

we are take the step to improve our project to next stage that is improving the efficiency and reduction of time.



Award / Support




Srinivas Institute of Technology students develop Coconut Dehusking Machine

10:03 PM, Thursday, June 28th, 2012
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(7 votes, average: 1.86 out of 5)
 Coconut Dehusking MachineMangalore: There is some good news for coconut growers  who have to spend a great deal of time in dehusking coconuts before selling the same. Students from the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Srinivas Institute of Technology, Valachil have developed a Coconut Dehusking Machine that can peel husks of as many as 120 coconuts in an hour.
Final year students namely Rahul R Kamath, Ashwin Kamath, V Sudhir Rao, Santosh P Saldanha have developed this device with the guidance of their professor Ramesh Kumar KR.
The project was aided by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology.





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