Tuesday 12 January 2021

immunity TEA=Ccft (Cumin-corinader-fennel TEA) with little GINGER n couple of drops of LEMON juice this HOT Is the BEST n AMAZING drink to have at EARLY morning (Agni)

Ccft (Cumin-corinader-fennel TEA)
with little GINGER n
couple of drops of LEMON juice this HOT
Is the BEST n AMAZING drink to have at EARLY morning (Agni)

Jeera-Dhania-Saunf Tea Recipe For Strong Immunity:


How To Make Cumin-Coriander-Fennel (CCF) Tea | 

Jeera-Dhania-Saunf Tea Recipe For Strong Immunity:


Half teaspoon cumin seeds

Half teaspoon coriander seeds

Half teaspoon fennel seeds

2 cups of water


Variation 1:

Boil these spices in water on a medium flame for 10 minutes or more till the water reduces to half.

Strain and pour it in flask/glass bottle and drink throughout the day (hot or cold).

Variation 2:

Soak the spices in water overnight.

Next morning, give everything a good boil and strain.

Pour it in a glass and drink.

Variation 3:

Dry roast the spices and grind them into a fine powder.

Whenever you feel like drinking the tea, add half teaspoon of the pre-mix in hot water and sip.

Try this detox tea at home and provide your body with a daily dose of healthy nutrients.

Eat healthy, stay fit! 

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