Saturday 7 September 2019

Glory of Rāma Nāma

Glory of Rāma Nāma

Śrī Rāma Naam is itself Param-Brahman!

रमन्ते योगिनोऽनन्ते नित्यानन्दे चिदात्मनि
इति रामपदेनासौ परंब्रह्माभिधियते
श्रीरामपूर्वतापनीय उपनिषद १।६ )
ramantē yōginō'nantē nityānandē cidātmani
iti rāmapadēnāsau paraṃbrahmābhidhiyatē

(Śrī Rāmapūrvatāpanīya upaniṣada 1.6)

जिस अनन्त, नित्यानन्द और चिन्मय परमब्रह्म में योगी लोग रमण करते हैं, उसी राम पद (शब्द) से परमब्रह्म प्रतिपादित होता है, अर्थात राम नाम परमब्रह्म हीं है
“The Parabrahman which is infinite, immeasurable, pure consciousness, eternal and forever blissful, on which Yogis devote themselves and meditate continuously; that Parabrahman Itself is denoted by the word ‘Rāma’ directly in Abhidhaa Vritti (means The word Rāma is Parambrahman Itself).”
A himalayan-yogi meditating upon Śrī Rāma, the ParamBrahman : Click Here
The name of Śrī Rāma is non-different from him, it is itself Parambrahman. Even 'Aum' () is said to be originated from Shri ‘Rāma’ Naam by scriptures as Aum () is consisted in Shri Rama (राम) Naam.

Revelation of the mystery of all Vedic-Scriptures

सर्वेषां वेदशास्त्राणां रहस्यंतेप्रकाशितम्
एको देवो रामचंद्रो व्रतं एको तदर्चनम्
मंत्रोऽप्येकश्च तन्नाम शास्त्रं तद् ध्येवतत्स्तुतिः
तस्मात् सर्वात्मना रामचंद्रंभजमनोहरम्
यथा गोष्पवदवत्तुच्छो भवेत् संसारसागरः
श्रीपद्मपुराण, पातालखण्ड ३५।५१-५२)
sarvēṣāṃ vēdaśāstrāṇāṃ rahasyaṃtēprakāśitam
ēkō dēvō rāmacaṃdrō vrataṃ ēkō tadarcanam

maṃtrō'pyēkaśca tannāma śāstraṃ tad dhyēvatatstutiḥ

tasmāt sarvātmanā rāmacaṃdraṃbhajamanōharam

yathā gōṣpavadavattucchō bhavēt saṃsārasāgaraḥ

(Śrī Padma-Purāṇa, Pātāla-khaṇḍa 35
सभी वेदों और शास्त्रों में यही रहस्य प्रकाशित है कि -
हम मनुष्यों के लिए एक हीं भगवान हों - प्रभु श्री रामचंद्र;
एक हीं व्रत हों - प्रभु राम का अर्चन
एक हीं मंत्र हों - उनका नाम ( अर्थात 'राम' )
और एक हीं शास्त्र हों - जहाँ वो ध्येय हों जहाँ उनकी स्तुति हो (अर्थात 'रामायण')
इसलिए सभी मनुष्यों को सम्पूर्ण भाव से परम मनोहर भगवान् श्रीरामचन्द्र का भजन करना चाहिए यदि वो इस संसार सागर को गौ के पग (गो-पद) के सामान लाँघ जाना चाहते हैं तो
“All Veda-s and all scriptures reveal the mystery in one voice for all human-beings -
if people are eager to cross the ocean of mundane existence just like mere crossing a foot-print of cow, then
Let there be only one God for whole world - Śrī Rāma;
(why? because Rama alone is the most superiour)
Only one religious vow - worship of Śrī Rāma, alone;
Only one hymn (Mantra) for prayer - Śrī Rāma's name i.e. ‘Rāma’ Naam;
and Only one scripture - where Śrī Rāma is the main subject and his exploits are sung i.e. Rāmāyanam;
Therefore, all human-beings should always sing [the name of] Bhagavan Shri Rama the prince charming of Ayodhya.
(Śrī Padma-Purāṇa 5.35.51-52)

Clear declaration for this Kaliyuga

The ultimate and clear declaration for this Kaliyuga:
रामनामैव नामैव नामैव मम् जीवनम्
कलौ नास्त्येव नास्त्येव नास्त्येव गतिरन्यथा
स्कन्दपुराण, उत्तरखण्ड, नारद-सनत्कुमार संवाद , .५१)
rāma-nāmaiva nāmaiva nāmaiva mam jīvanam
kalau nāstyēva nāstyēva nāstyēva gatiranyathā

(Skanda purāṇa, uttarakhaṇḍa, nārada-sanatkumāra saṃvād, 5.51)

श्रीसनत्कुमार नारद जी से कहते हैं
श्री राम जी का नाम, केवल श्री राम नाम हीं, राम नाम हीं मेरा जीवन है कलियुग में राम नाम के सिवाय और किसी उपाय से जीवो कि सद्गति नही होती, नहीं होती, नहीं होती
Sage Sanatkumāra said to sage Nārada —
“The name of Śrī Rāma, one and only ‘Rāma’ Nāma is my life. There is no other means, no other means and no other means except Shri Rāma Nāma in this Kali-age for Jivas to attain the gati [liberation, Bhagavan].”
The Param-mantra Śrī ‘Rāma’ Nāma is Parambrahman itself which is seed (Bij) of everything and everyone. The Param-mantra is very short, yet controls even Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesha.Even Lord Narayana with Lakshmi, Lord Shiva with Parvati, Lord Brahma with Savitri, and all deities, Hanuman etc and divine sages like Sanatkumāra, etc meditate upon and chant ‘Rāma’ Naam only.

Śrī Rāma Nāma is the illuminator of all other names of Bhagavan

नारायणादि नामानि कीर्त्तितानि बहून्यपि
आत्मा तेषां सर्वेषां रामनाम प्रकाशकः॥
महारामायण ५२.४०)
nārāyaṇādi nāmāni kīrttitāni bahūnyapi
ātmā tēṣāṃ ca sarvēṣāṃ rāmanāma prakāśakaḥ

(Mahārāmāyaṇa 52.40)

“Various names of Lord such as Nārāyaṇa etc have been glorified in so many ways in scriptres; however Śrī Rāma Nāma alone is the indwelling soul and illuminator of all other Names of Bhagavan.” (Mahā-Rāmāyaṇ 52.40)
It is again said:
परमेश्वरनामानि सन्त्यनेकानि पार्वति।
परन्तु रामनामेदं सर्वेषामुत्तमं मतम्॥
महारामायण ५०.१५)
paramēśvaranāmāni santyanēkāni pārvati
parantu rāmanāmēdaṃ sarvēṣāmuttamaṃ matam

(Mahārāmāyaṇa 50.15)

“Lord Shiva says: O Pārvati, There are innumerable names of that Supreme Lord; however in my opinion the Rāma Nāma is the best among all those names!” (Mahā-Rāmāyaṇ 50.15)
Same is said in Padma-Purana, Sri Ram naam is the supreme among all names of Hari. click here to see.

The supreme name among all names of Bhagavān !

पद्मपुराण .१५.८७-८९ - Padmapurāṇa 7.15.87-89
विष्णोर्नामानि विप्रेन्द्र सर्वदेवाधिकानि वै।
तेषां मध्ये तु तत्त्वज्ञा रामनाम वरंस्मृतम् ॥८७॥
श्रीपद्म-पुराण .१५.८७)
viṣṇōrnāmāni viprēndra sarvadēvādhikāni vai
tēṣāṃ madhyē tu tattvajñā rāma-nāma varaṃ-smṛtam
(Śrī Padma-Purāṇa 7.15.87)

हे विप्रेन्द्र जैमिनि! विष्णु के सभी नाम सभी देवों से अधिक प्रभाव रखने वाले हैं, उन सभी भगवन्नामों में भी तत्त्वदर्शी महर्षियों ने राम नाम को परम माना है।
“Oh great Vipra Jaimini ! All the names of Bhagavan Vishnu, each of them, is greater than all the gods. And Tattvagya Maharshis who have realised the truth, they have accepted the name Rama is the best (supreme) among all the names of Bhagavan.”
रामेत्यक्षरयुग्मं हि सर्वं मंत्राधिकं द्विज।
यदुच्चारणमात्रेण पापी याति पराङ्गतिम् ॥८८॥
श्रीपद्म-पुराण .१५.८८)
rāmētyakṣarayugmaṃ hi sarvaṃ mantrādhikaṃ dvija
yaduccāraṇamātrēṇa pāpī yāti parāṅgatim
(Śrī Padma-Purāṇa 7.15.88)

हे द्विज! रा- यह दो अक्षर [का मन्त्र] सभी मन्त्रों से अधिक-श्रेष्ठ है, इसके उच्चारण मात्र से महापापी भी परम-गति को प्राप्त [आसानी से] प्राप्त कर लेता है।
“O' Dvija !‘Rā-ma’, these two syllabled mantra is greater than all the mantras, by utterance this even [great] sinners get the supreme-liberation.”
The same thing is again reiterated after telling it supreme [varam] among all names of Bhagavan, that it is greater [adhikam] than all the mantras.

All gods are originated from the name Rāma !

रामनामप्रभावं हि सर्वदेवप्रपूजनम्
महेश एव जानाति नान्यो जानाति जैमिने ॥८९॥
श्रीपद्म-पुराण .१५.८९)
rāma-nāma-prabhāvaṃ hi sarva-dēva-prapūjanam
mahēśa ēva jānāti nānyō jānāti jaiminē
(Śrī Padma-Purāṇa 7.15.89)

राम नाम के प्रभाव से हीं सभी देव [इसके अंश मात्र से] प्रकट होकर पूज्यनीय हुए हैं, यह रहस्य तो महेश भगवान शिव हीं भलीभाँति जानते हैं, अन्य नहीं जानते।
“All gods have come into existence and become worshipable from the [minuscule] effect of Rāma Nāma, this fact [and glory of Rāma Nāma] is truly known only to the Mahesha [great Lord Shiva] , others do not know it.”
रकारात् जायते ब्रह्मा रकारात् जायते हरिः।
रकारात् जायते शम्भू रकारात् सर्वशक्त्यः॥
rakārāt jāyatē brahmā rakārāt jāyatē hariḥ
rakārāt jāyatē śambhū rakārāt sarvaśaktyaḥ


श्रीराम नाम के -कार से हीं ब्रह्मा प्रकट होते हैं, -कार से हीं श्री हरि विष्णु प्रकट होते हैं, -कार से हीं महादेव शंकर प्रकट होते हैं, और -कार से हीं अनंतान्त सभी दिव्य शक्तियाँ [देव-देवियाँ] उत्पन्न होते हैं।
“From ‘Ra’-kāra of the name ‘Rāma’, [innumerable] Brahmā-Vishṇu-Shiva appear, in fact all divinities appear from the same seed ‘Ra’-kāra of the name ‘Rāma’ just like from the seed, entire tree with many branches and leaves appear.”
इस श्रीराम नाम के -कार को सुनते हीं देवाधिदेव भगवान शिव का ह्रदय प्रेम से, प्रसन्नता से आप्लावित हो जाता है भगवान के सभी अवतारी-अवतार स्वरूप श्रीराम-नाम के -कार में स्थित हैं। पद्म-पुराण में श्रीराम नाम को स्वयं परब्रह्म और सभी भगवन्नामों में श्रेष्ठ कहा गया है, और सभी देव श्रीराम नाम जपते हैं - ऐसा हीं सभी आर्ष-ग्रन्थों में बारम्बार कहा गया है, जहाँ श्रीराम नाम की महिमा कही गयी है श्रीराम नाम स्वयं परमब्रह्म स्वरूप होने से हीं अन्य सभी दिव्य भगवन्नाम भी उससे प्रकट होकर परम-महिमा स्वरूपभूत होते हैं। श्रीराम नाम श्री साकेतबिहारी परात्पर परब्रह्म परमात्मा सर्वेश्वर भगवान का सनातन शाश्वत नाम है, उनके श्री नाम 'राम' (+) से प्रणव '' सृष्टि के आदि में ध्वनित होता है
Just by hearing the ‘Ra’-kāra of the name ‘Rāma’, the heart of Lord Shiva becomes pleased and filled with love. All Avatari-Avatara Svarupas of Bhagavan are verily present within the ‘Ra’. Śrī Padma-Purāṇa says Śrī Rāma Naam is Parabrahm itself and the supreme among all the names of Bhagavān, all gods sings ‘Rāma Rāma’ like this ― these are said in almost all scriptures wherever there is glory of Śrī Rāma Naam. On the account of it being Parabrahm itself in form of divine eternal Vaak (word), all other divine names appear from it and get the supreme glory. Śrī Rāma Naam is the eternal name of Śrī Sākētabihārī Parātpar Parabrahma Paramātmā Sarvēśvara bhagavān Śrī Rāma.
Various Upanishads [Shruti] also glorify the ‘Ra’-kāra of the name ‘Rāma’
यथैव वटबीजस्थः प्राकृतश्च महान्द्रुमः २॥
तथैव रामबीजस्थं जगदेतच्चराचरम्
रेफारूढा मूर्तयः स्युः शक्तयस्तिस्र एव चेति ३॥
श्रीरामपूर्वतापिनी उपनिषद् .-)
yathaiva vaṭa-bījasthaḥ prākṛtaśca mahāndrumaḥ 2
tathaiva rāma-bījasthaṃ jagadētaccarācaram

rēphārūḍhā mūrtayaḥ syuḥ śaktayastisra ēva cēti
(ŚrīRāma-Pūrvatāpinī Upaniṣad 2.2-3)

“As like the whole Banyan tree along with its leaves and branches is present invisibly in the seed of Banayan (Vaṭa) tree, similarly whole animate and inanimate creation is present within the seed ‘Rām’ Naam. The ‘Ra (रेफ) in Rama nama is the cause of all the other Bhagvad-vigrahas (avataras-avataris Svarupas of Bhagavan) as well as three [prime] potencies of Bhagavan.”
The ‘Ra in Rama nama is the original cause, the Parātpar Parmātm Chid-tattva from which all other Bhagavad-Svarupas are manifested.

Śrī Rāma Naam is equal to billion times repition of all Mantras!

जपतः सर्वमन्त्रांश्च सर्ववेदांश्च पार्वति।
तस्मात् कोटिगुणं पुण्यं रामनाम्नैव लभ्यते॥
श्रीपद्म-पुराण, उत्तरखण्ड २८१/३४ )
japataḥ sarvamantrāṃśca sarvavēdāṃśca pārvati
tasmāt kōṭiguṇaṃ puṇyaṃ rāmanāmnaiva labhyatē

(Śrī Padma-Purāṇa, Uttarakhaṇḍa 281.34)
एकसाथ सभी मंत्रो का और सभी वेदों का जाप करने से जो दिव्य फल प्राप्त होगा, उस फल का करोड़-गुना फल मात्र एक राम नाम के उच्चारण से हीं प्राप्त हो जाता है
Lord Shiva tells Parvati:
“The divine fruits one achieves by chanting all other Mantras and all the Vedas; billions of times of that fruits one can easily obtain just by uttering Rāma-nāma!”

राम रामेति रामेति रमे रामे मनोरमे
सहस्रनाम तत्तुल्यं रामनाम वरानने
rāma rāmēti rāmēti ramē rāmē manōramē
sahasranāma tattulyaṃ rāmanāma varānanē

(Śrī Padma-Purāṇa)

In Padma-Puran, Lord Shiva tells Parvati:
“O' fair faced one, I enjoy saying Rāma Rāma like this. Uttering the name of Rāma once is equal to uttering any other name of god, a thousand times or equal to Viṣṇu-sahasranāma!”

Padma Purana also says uttering ‘Rāma’ once is equal to thousand times repetition of any other name of Bhagavan (thousand names is also taken as Vishnu-Sahasranam)! In Vishnu-Sahasranaam, there are names such as Rama, Vishnu, Narayana, Krishna etc. So how can one Ram Naam be equal to one Rāma Nāma + 999 other names of Bhagavān (including Hari + Vishṇu + Nārāyaṇa + Krishṇa etc)?
There are two ways to explain this - (A) Sri Rama Naam not only denotes the Parambrahman, but it is also Parambrahman Itself. Scriptures say ‘Rāma’ Nāma is the supreme seed from whole everything has emerged. Being Parambrahman itself and the supreme seed of everything, It is all encompassing entity, therefore all Vedas and innumerable Bhagavannamas, Mantras etc are present inside all encompassing Rama Nama. Therefore, One Rama becomes equal to Vishnu-sahasranama (1 Rama Naam + 999 other names which are also present within Rama Naam).
(B) Sri Ram Naam is told to be illuminator of all names of Lord Shri Hari, It is the great moon and other names are like stars, both moon and stars simultaneously adorn the sky and make it look beautiful, however the light coming from moon is more than enough in comarison to the lights coming together from so many stars, theexistence of other names adorns Bhagavan that he has infinite beautiful names.
This statement of Lord Shiva from Padma-PurAna that just uttering Śrī Rāma naam once bestows billions of times fruits that can be achieved by chanting all other mantras (be it any mantra devoted to Lord Vishnu, Lord Ganesha, Goddess Durga etc - Ramtapini Upanishad) and all the Vedas at a time proves Shri Rama Naam is the most superior. Thus, One Rama Naam is equal to billion times any Mantra devoted to any other god or deity.
In Padma-Purana, Lord Shiva tells Parvati He has eternal love for the name ‘Rāma’.
रकारादीनि नामानि शृण्वतो देवि जायते
प्रीतिर्मे मनसो नित्यं रामनामविशङ्कया
श्रीपद्मपुराण .२५४.२१)
rakārādīni nāmāni śṛṇvatō dēvi jāyatē
prītirmē manasō nityaṃ rāmanāmaviśaṅkayā

(Śrī Padma-Purāṇa 6.254.21)

भगवान शिव भगवती पार्वती से कहते हैं:
हे देवी पार्वती! ''-कार से शुरू होने वाले नामों को (उनमें ''-कार को) सुनते हीं मेरा ह्रदय 'राम' नाम की आशंका से प्रेम से भर जाता है (क्योंकि मेरे ह्रदय में 'राम' नाम के प्रति नित्य-प्रीति (प्रगाढ़ प्रेम) है)
Lord Shiva tells Parvati:
“O' Devi! Just upon hearing the names starting with ‘Ra’-kara, my heart becomes always [pleased and] filled with love out of the hint of Rama Naam, (as in my heart there is eternal love for the name ‘Rāma’)”

This shows Lord Shiva who is Mahadeva and Jagadguru has the utmost love and preference for the name ‘Rāma’ over all mantras and other Bhagavannama-s.

Is any other name of lord camparable to Śrī Rāma Naam?

There are infinite names of Bhagavan, but none is comparable to Sri Rama Naam.
अनन्तो भगवन्मन्त्रा नानेन तु समाः कृताः।
श्रियो रमणसामर्थ्यात् सौन्दर्यगुणसागरात्॥
हारित-स्मृति .२४०)
anantō bhagavanmantrā nānēna tu samāḥ kṛtāḥ
śriyō ramaṇasāmarthyāt saundaryaguṇasāgarāt

(hārita-smṛti 3.240)

अनन्त भगवन्नामों एवं मन्त्रों में कोई नाम या मन्त्र श्री 'राम' नाम के समान नहीं हुआ, क्यूंकि केवल 'राम' नाम में हीं भगवती 'श्री' को रमाने अर्थात आनंद प्रदान करने का सामर्थ्य है और यह सौंदर्य एवं गुणों का अथाह सागर है।
“Out of infinite names of Bhagavan, none is equal to or greater than Sri ‘Rāma’ nama, because only Sri Rama Nama manifests the capability to impart the supreme bliss and delight to even Bhagavati "Shrii ji" as also being the very ocean of beauty!” (Hārit-Smriti 3.240)
Hārit-smriti is a very renowned Vaishnava-smriti, in which the glories of the Mantras of Bhagavan Shri Vishnu, Shri Rama and Shri Krishna are given. There, it upholds the true glory of ‘Raam’ Naam. Thus, ‘Raam’ Naam is the most superior naam and mantra in itself. Among all names of Bhagavan, Raam Naam is same as ‘Aum’ as per Panini Vyakarana.

Chanting Rāma Rāma Rāma... like this bestows everything

तन्मुखं तु महातीर्थ तन्मुखं क्षेत्रमेव
यन्मुखे राम रामेति तन्मुखं सार्वकामिकं
श्रीपद्मपुराण , उत्तरखण्ड ७१/३४ )
tanmukhaṃ tu mahātīrtha tanmukhaṃ kṣētramēva ca
yanmukhē rāma rāmēti tanmukhaṃ sārvakāmikaṃ

(Śrī Padma-Purāṇa 6.71.34)

जिस मुख में राम - राम का जाप होता रहता है वह मुख ही महान तीर्थ है, वह मुख हीं प्रधान क्षेत्र है तथा वही सभी कामनाओं को पूर्ण करने वाला है
“The mouth which chants always 'Ram-Ram' like this, that mouth alone is the most sacred place i.e the supreme holy region (Maha-Tirtha), that mouth is the divine region and that mouth can even bestow all desires without any doubt.” (Shri Padma-Purāṇa, Uttar-Khanda 71/34 )
So O, Heart, why don't you chant Param-Mantra 'Raam Raam Raam...' like this?

Raam Naam is Param-Mantra (Mantra-Raj)!

रामेति द्वयक्षरजपः सर्वपापापनोदकः
गच्छन् तिष्ठञ्छयानो वा मनुजो रामकीर्तनात् ॥४०॥
इह निर्वर्ततो याति चान्ते हरिगणो भवेत्
रामेति द्वयक्षरो मन्त्रो मन्त्रकोटिशताधिकः ॥४१॥

रामादधिकं किञ्चित् पठनं जगतीतले
रामनामाश्रया ये वै तेषां यमयातना ॥४४॥

रमते सर्वभुतेषु स्थावरेषु चरेषु
अन्तरात्मस्वरुपेण यच्च रामेति कथ्यते ॥४६॥

रामेति मन्त्रराजोऽयं भवव्याधिनिषुदकः
रामचन्द्रेति रामेति रामेति समुदाहृतः ॥४७॥

द्वयक्षरो मन्त्रराजोऽयं सर्वकार्यकरो भुवि
देवा अपि प्रगायन्ति रामनाम गुणाकरम् ॥४९

तस्मात् त्वमपि देवेशि रामनाम सदा वद
रामनाम जपेद यो वै मुच्यते सर्वकिल्विषैः ॥५०

स्कन्दपुराण, नागरखण्ड, २५६.४०-५०)
rāmēti dvayakṣarajapaḥ sarvapāpāpanōdakaḥ
gacchan tiṣṭhañchayānō vā manujō rāmakīrtanāt
iha nirvartatō yāti cāntē harigaṇō bhavēt

rāmēti dvayakṣarō mantrō mantrakōṭiśatādhikaḥ

na rāmādadhikaṃ kiñcit paṭhanaṃ jagatītalē

rāmanāmāśrayā yē vai na tēṣāṃ yamayātanā

ramatē sarvabhutēṣu sthāvarēṣu carēṣu ca

antarātmasvarupēṇa yacca rāmēti kathyatē

rāmēti mantrarājō'yaṃ bhavavyādhiniṣudakaḥ

rāmacandrēti rāmēti rāmēti samudāhṛtaḥ

dvayakṣarō mantrarājō'yaṃ sarvakāryakarō bhuvi

dēvā api pragāyanti rāmanāma guṇākaram

tasmāt tvamapi dēvēśi rāmanāma sadā vada

rāmanāma japēda yō vai mucyatē sarvakilviṣaiḥ

(Skanda-Purāṇa, Nāgarakhaṇḍa, 256.40-50)

भगवान् शंकर जी देवी पार्वती से कहते हैं - “'राम ' यह दो अक्षरों का मन्त्र जपने पर समस्त पापों का नाश करता है चलते, खड़े हुए अथवा सोते समय (जिस किसी भी समय) जो मनुष्य राम नाम का कीर्तन करता है, वह यहाँ कृतकार्य होकर जाता है और अंत में भगवान हरि (श्रीराम) का पार्षद बनता है (श्रीविष्णु के भक्त वैकुण्ठ में विष्णु-रूप को प्राप्त करता है) ' राम ' यह दो अक्षरों का मन्त्र शत कोटि (१०० करोड़) मंत्रो के एक साथ जप से भी अधिक प्रभाव रखता है (मन्त्रकोटिशताधिकः)
राम नाम से बढ़ कर जगत में जप करने योग्य कुछ भी नही है ( रामादधिकं किञ्चित् पठनं जगतीतले) जिन्होंने राम नाम का आश्रय ले रखा है उन्हें यम यातना नही भोगनी पड़ती
जो [परमात्मा] अन्तरात्मस्वरुप से स्थावर-जंगम चर(चेतन)-अचर (अचेतन) और सभी भूत प्राणियों में रमण करते हैं, उन्हें राम कहते हैं
' राम ' यह मन्त्र-राज है (मन्त्रराजोऽयं, अर्थात् परम-मंत्र है), यह भव रुपी व्याधि का नाश करने वाला है (अर्थात भवसागर से तारने वाला है)
रामचंद्र, राम, राम - इस प्रकार उच्चारण करने पर यह दो अक्षरों का मन्त्र-राज पृथ्वी में समस्त कार्यों को सफल करता है
गुणों की खान इस राम नाम को देवतालोग भी भलीभांति गान करते हैं अतएव हे देवेश्वरि ! तुम भी सदा राम नाम का जप किया करो जो राम नाम का उच्चारण (जप) किया करता है, वह सारे पापों से (पूर्वकृत एवं वर्तमान सूक्ष्म और स्थूल पापों से और समस्त पाप वासनाओं से सदा के लिए) छुट जाता है।
Lord Shiva says to Parvati:
“‘Rāma’, this two syllable Mantra, upon chanting even while walking, standing or sleeping, destroys all sins of Human beings in this world. The human being who chants ‘Rāma’ Naam becomes the most fortunate one and after getting all pleasures in this world at the end gets the supreme abode of Lord Hari (Shri Rāma). ‘Rāma’, this two syllable Mantra is even more powerful than the combine power of 100 crores of Mantra (1 billion is in the sense of infinite mantras).
In fact, There is nothing (no other Mantra or any other means) in this whole world (or whole vedic-scriptures) which is more suitable or worthy than chanting the ‘Rāma’ Naam. (na rāmādadhikaṃ kiñcit paṭhanaṃ jagatītalē) Whoever has taken the refuge of ‘Rāma’ Nama, never gets sufferings of Yamaloka.
The one who dwells within all animate and inanimate existence as the soul of all souls (as the supreme indwelling reality), is called ‘Rāma’.
‘Rāma’ Naam is the Mantra-Raj (the supreme Mantra, the chief [King] of all Mantra-s) which destroys the three fold agony of this world. "Rama, Rama, Rama", like this way if uttered, this two syllable Mantra makes everything successful on this earth.
The very mine of virtues, this two syllable Mantra ‘Rāma’ Nama is even chanted by gods and deities. Hence, O'Parvati, You should always chant the name ‘Rāma’. Whoever utters this ‘Rāma’ Naam becomes freed of all Vāsanas and all sins (done in previous births and present birth) be it subtle or even very grievous gross etc.” (- Skanda Purāṇa, Nāgarkhaṇda)

Bhagavan Shri Krshna remembers Śrī Rāma Naam

राम नाम सदा प्रेम्णा संस्मरामि जगद्गुरूम्
क्षणं विस्मृतिं याति सत्यं सत्यं वचो मम
श्री आदि-पुराण)
rāma nāma sadā prēmṇā saṃsmarāmi jagadgurūm
kṣaṇaṃ na vismṛtiṃ yāti satyaṃ satyaṃ vacō mama

(Śrī Ādi-Purāṇa)

श्री आदि पुराण में भगवान श्री कृष्ण कहते हैं कि
मैं जगद्गुरु श्री राम नाम का निरंतर
प्रेम पूर्वक स्मरण करता रहता हूँ, क्षणमात्र भी नहीं भूलता हूँ अर्जुन मैं सत्य सत्य कहता हूँ
(अर्थात् राम नाम भगवान श्री कृष्ण का निश्वास स्वरूप हीं है।)
Lord Śrī Krshna to Arjuna:
“With full reverence and great love, all the time, I (Krsna) remember Śrī ‘Rāma’ Naam. Śrī ‘Rāma’ Naam is Jagadguru (Guru of all worlds). Not for a single moment, I miss the rememebrance of Śrī Rām Naam. O Arjuna, My words are verily true, true and true alone .

This shows the name 'Rama' is verily the breath of Bhagavan Shri Krishna.

Tārak-mantra, the ultimate mantra for liberation : ‘Rāma’ Nāma

बेदहुँ पुरान कही लोकहूँ बिलोकिअत
रामनाम ही सों रीझें सकल भलाई है
कासीहू मरत उपदेसत महेसु सोई
साधना अनेक चितई चित लाई है
कवितावली .७४)
bēdahum̐ purāna kahī lōkahūm̐ bilōkiata
rāmanāma hī sōṃ rījhēṃ sakala bhalāī hai

kāsīhū marata upadēsata mahēsu sōī
sādhanā anēka citaī na cita lāī hai

(kavitāvalī 7.74)

“'It is said by the Vedas and Puranas as well as seen in this world that having love for Rāma’s Name is beneficial in every way. When one dies in Kashi (Varanasi), Lord Mahādev (Shiva) gives salvation (liberation) by uttering this holy Name ‘Rāma’ in the ears of the dying person. He (Lord Shiva) has not paid any attention to any other means or Mantra (for the salvation).” (Kavitāvalī 7.74; Goswāmī Tulasīdās)
Lord Shiva is very gracious and concerned for his adherents, whenever a Jiva is about to die (leave the body) in the Kashi (Varanasi), He manifests himself there and utter the supreme mantra - the name ‘Rāma’ in the ear of Jiva. Lord Shiva doesn't pay any attention to any other means or Mantra for the liberation.
Lord Shiva is Jagadguru (supreme spiritual preceptor for one and all) and the bestest Vaishnava-devotee, He truly knows what is the best in Vedas and Puranas. Various Mantras do exist in scripture, Yet Tārak-Brahman (the mantra which liberates for sure) is the name ‘Rāma’, so when it comes for doing the ultimate good to the soul, and at the most crucial time - when an ātmā is about to leave the body, that time Lord Shiva utters the Param-mantra ‘Rāma’ nāma in the ears, to make it completely sure even the most fallen Jiva should be liberated.
अहं भवन्नामगृणन्कृतार्थो वसामि काश्यामनिशं भवान्या।
मुमूर्षमाणस्य विमुक्तयेऽहं दिशामि मन्त्रं तव रामनाम॥
श्री अध्यात्म-रामायण .१५.६२)
ahaṃ bhavannāmagṛṇankṛtārthō vasāmi kāśyāmaniśaṃ bhavānyā
mumūrṣamāṇasya vimuktayē'haṃ diśāmi mantraṃ tava rāmanāma

(Śrī adhyātma-rāmāyaṇa 6.15.62)

While eulogizing Śrī Rāma, Lord Shiva tells him —
“Contemplating (chanting and meditating) upon Your name ‘Rāma’ day and night, I reside in Kāshī (Vārānasi) along with Bhavānī (Pārvatī); and for the emancipation of a dying person, I speak him the supreme mantra which is Your name ‘Rāma’!”

यत्र साक्षान्महादेवो देहान्ते स्वयमीश्वरः।
व्याचष्टे तारकं ब्रह्म तत्रैव ह्यविमुक्तये॥
श्री पद्म-पुराण .३३.४७)
yatra sākṣānmahādēvō dēhāntē svayamīśvaraḥ
vyācaṣṭē tārakaṃ brahma tatraiva hyavimuktayē

(Śrī Padma-Purāṇa 3.33.47)

“In the Avimukta region of Kashi (Varanasi), Lord Mahadeva, the Ishwar himself directly utters the tāraka-brahman (the name ‘Rāma’) for all beings at the time of their death (in their ear).”
One should always sing, while walking, waking and sleep, the supreme mantra ‘Rāma’ with all love, the mantra which is chanted by Bhagavan Shankara himself along with his dearest consort Bhagavati Pārvati.

The smallest mantra ‘Rāma’ has infinite power

मंत्र परम लघु जासु बस बिधि हरि हर सुर सर्ब।
महामत्त गजराज कहुँ बस कर अंकुस खर्ब॥
श्रीरामचरितमानस बालकाण्ड, दोहा २५६)
maṃtra parama laghu jāsu basa bidhi hari hara sura sarba
mahāmatta gajarāja kahum̐ basa kara aṃkusa kharba

(śrīrāmacaritamānasa bālakāṇḍa, dōhā 256)
जिसके वश में ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शिव और सभी देवता हैं, वह मंत्र ["राम्"] अत्यन्त छोटा है। जैसे महान मतवाले गजराज को छोटा सा अंकुश वश में कर लेता है।
“The supreme sacred Mantra (the seed mantra Raam), indeed, is very small, although it has under its sway Brahm, Hari, Hara and all other gods. A tiny goad governs the mightiest and most furious elephant.”
बंदउँ नाम राम रघुबर को। हेतु कृसानु भानु हिमकर को॥
बिधि हरि हरमय बेद प्रान सो। अगुन अनूपम गुन निधान सो॥
श्री रामचरितमानस .१९.)
baṃdaum̐ nāma rāma raghubara kō hētu kṛsānu bhānu himakara kō
bidhi hari haramaya bēda prāna sō
aguna anūpama guna nidhāna sō
(Śrī Rāmacaritamānasa 1.19.1)
मैं श्री रघुनाथजी के नाम 'राम' की वंदना करता हूँ, जो कृशानु (अग्नि), भानु (सूर्य) और हिमकर (चन्द्रमा) का हेतु अर्थात्‌ '' '' और '' रूप से बीज है। वह 'राम' नाम ब्रह्मा, विष्णु और शिवरूप है। वह वेदों का प्राण है, निर्गुण, उपमारहित और गुणों का भंडार है॥
I greet the name ‘Rāma’ of the chief of Raghus, which is composed of the seed letters ‘Ra’, 'ā', and 'ma', which are primeval cause (hētu) of fire, sun, and the moon respectively. It is the same as Brahmā (the creative aspect of God), Vishnu (the preservative aspect of god) and Shiva (the disintegrating aspect of god), and the vital breath of the Vedas; It is attributeless, peerless and a mine of virtues.”
हेतु कृसानु भानु हिमकर को hētu kṛsānu bhānu himakara kō — हेतु hētu - cause of, कृसानु kṛsānu - fire, भानु bhānu - sun, हिमकर himakara - moon, को kō - of.
It is primeval cause of fire, sun and moon. हेतु hētu in sanskrit dictionary means primeval cause/origin. It means from Ra (), fire originates (in kṛsānu, Ra sound is present subtly in vowel ṛi); from ā (), sun originates (in bhānu, ā is present); and from ma (), moon originates (in himakara, ma is present). Thus, Rāma naam is cause of fire, sun and moon.
Vedas find it very difficult to tell about the Supreme Absolute Truth, therefore they take indirect approach for giving an understanding. There are three renowned lights, those are the light of fire, the light of sun and the light of moon. And the name ‘Rāma’ is the hetu (cause) of all these lights, means that Absolute one who is light of all lights, who is self-illumined supreme fountain of all divine lights (all divinities) is denoted by the name ‘Rāma’. Therefore, Valmiki Ramayana which is Veda-avatar says - Śrī Rāma is the sun of the sun, the fire of the fire; the underlying meaning is Śrī Rāma is the Supreme Absolute who is the real cause of all divine lights [all divinities], and he is the self-illumined one, none is before him.
छान्दोग्य उपनिषद् .. Chāndōgya upaniṣad Shruti 6.4.1 says "the red light of fire [of sun (for sun in Chāndōgya 6.4.2), and of moon (for moon in Chāndōgya 6.4.3)] represents Tejas (splendor), white light of fire represents the water, and the dark light of the fire (or sun or moon) represents earth; thus Vanishes the quality of fire from fire, the quality of sun from sun, and the quality of moon from moon, and the only the inner swarupa remains true. The word fire, or sun or moon are only for behavioral plane for understanding of specific Name and Rupa to say meditate upon Purusha (Rāma) within fire, sun and moon." This way Shruti defines the Supreme Absolute one.
Within the name Rama, Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva are present. It is the life and breath of Vedas, whole Vedas have come out from the seed name Rama.
While other mantras or Naam-s get powers from their deities, the name of Rama is self-illumined, it is the one which illuminates all others. Such is the sense here. It is Para-brahman itself, the illuminator of all.
राम नाम परब्रह्म सर्वदेवाधिकं महत्
rāma nāma parabrahma sarvadēvādhikaṃ mahat
“Rāma nāma is itself Para-brahman, and greater than all gods combined.”
How and why to chant Rama Naam? : The divine eternal Vaak (word) is the name 'Rama' from which whole everything appears, It is Itself Param-Brahman - राम नाम परमब्रह्म सर्वदेवाधिकम् महत् (-पद्म पुराण)- Rama Naam is Itself Parambrahman, and greater than all gods combined. (Padma-Purana) Long Mantras like "Śrī Rāma Jaya Rāma Jaya Jaya Rāma" or "Hare Rama Hare Krishna" get the power from their seed ‘Rāma’ Naam which is seed of all Mantras as well. Therefore, the best and supreme among all powerful Mantras is ‘Rāma’ Naam. Long Mantra-s have especial purposes, and they are suitable for nāma-saṅkīrtana in groups, one should definitely sing and remember Lord with his various divine names; however, for the proper spiritual progress, it is always better to do Japa (chanting) of "Rama" Naam alone or "SitaRama".
Is there any need of adding something in Japa of ‘Rāma’ naam?
It is said by Lord Shiva - रामादधिकं किञ्चित् पठनं जगतीतले - means "there is nothing greater than chanting (Japa) of ‘Rāma’ Naam in this world in all the Vedas and other Vedic scriptures.” It is told again and again in scriptures to chant (jap) ‘Rāma Rāma Rāma....’ like this. Therefore, there is no need add something in Rama Naam, when Śrī Rama himself is the final goal.
‘Rāma’ Naam can be chanted in the unison of breath. When it is chanted, the soul is easily connected with the Supreme transcendental vibration (of Rama Naam) and one experiences its presence in every particle of the universe.
One may constantly repeat the seed mantra with unison of breath. Then, a time will come when the remembrance of ‘Rāma’ becomes effortless in every breath. This is Sahaj-Sadhana (effortless practice) practices by some Yogis, and thus at the end while leaving this body there would be spontaneous remembrance of ‘Rāma Naam’ and ‘Rāma Roopa’.
Shruti says It is better to leave many words and chant and meditate upon Lord with the seed-mantra, with one transcendental-vibration.
त॒मेव॒ धी॒रो विज्ञा॒य प्रज्ञां॒ कुर्वीत ब्राह्मणः
ना॒नुध्यायाद्बहू॒ञ्छब्दान् वाचो॒ विग्ला॒पनँ हि॒ त॒द् इ॒ति
बृहदारण्यकोपनिषत् ..२१)
tamēva dhīrō vijñāya prajñā kurvīta brāhmaṇaḥ
nānudhyāyādbahūñchabdān vācō viglāpanaṃ hi taditi

(bṛhadāraṇyak-upaniṣad 4.4.21)

“The intelligent seeker of Brahman, knowing about him (Shri Rama) alone through hearing (from Guru) and reflection, should do contemplation (ānudhyāyā / nididhyasan). He should not think of too many words, for it is particularly fatiguing to the organ of speech.”
Here Bhagavati Shruti tells while nididhyasan one should think about Bhagavan with few words only? not with many words, as it causes fatigue for the organ of speech, where natural Sadhana is obstructed in dhyana. Therefore, it is preferable to do Japa also with a short mantra (if nama-smaran, then of one or two or three namas for Japa) to completely dissolve the mind into it.(While doing singing, one can sing long mantras, with many nama-s, stotras etc.)
ओमित्येवं ध्यायथ आत्मानम् (~ मुण्डकोपनिषद् ..)
ōmityēvaṃ dhyāyatha ātmānam (~ muṇḍakōpaniṣad 2.2.6)
“Meditate on Bhagavan with the help of ‘Aum’.”
(To this same effect, there are several passages in Vedas.)
‘Aum’ and ‘Rāma’ nama are completely same; However, everyone is not eligible to chant ‘Aum’, the utterance of ‘Aum’ has a lot of rules and restrictions, such rules and regulations are not there with ‘Rāma’ nama which is the cause of even ‘Aum’. Bhagavan Shiva preaches the name ‘Rāma’ to his dearest consort Parvati and others, therefore one should chant Param-mantra 'Rama’, and meditate with the help of 'Rama’. This way one would not have to think of many words, and can dissolve mind easily into the name 'Rama', the name 'Rama’ from which whole everything is woven, You can feel it in breath.
अन्या वाचो विमुञ्चथ (~ मुण्डकोपनिषद् ..)
anyā vācō vimuñcatha (~ muṇḍakōpaniṣad 2.2.5)
“Give up all other words.”
How is unison possible with Rama Naam?
While inhaling the breath say (feel) "Ra" and while exhaling the breath say "Ma", this is automatic process and need not to be followed by making some extra effort. If one will continuously chant "Rama" Naam, then after sometime it will be automatically aligned in one's breathing process.

No rules and regulations to chant ‘Rāma’ Nāma

देशकालनियमः शौचाशौचविनिर्णयः।
परं संकीर्तनादेव राम रामेति मुच्यते॥
na dēśakālaniyamaḥ śaucāśaucavinirṇayaḥ
paraṃ saṃkīrtanādēva rāma rāmēti mucyatē

देश-काल का नियम है, और नहीं शौच-अशौच (पवित्रता-अपवित्रता) आदि का निर्णय करने की भी आवश्यकता नहीं है। केवल राम-रामरूपी यह परम संकीर्तन करने मात्र से जीव मुक्त हो जाता है।
“Neither there are rules of place and time, nor even the need of consideration of pure and impure state in chanting naam. Just by doing Param Sankirtan in form of singing ‘Rama Rama’ like this, a Jiva becomes verily liberated.”
Any time and any place, whether pure or impure, everyone can do Sankirtan of ‘Rama Rama’ like this and attains the liberation.
साङ्केत्यं पारिहास्यं वा स्तोभं हेलनमेव वा।
वैकुण्ठनामग्रहणमशेषाघहरं विदुः
श्रीमद्भागवतम् ..१४)
sāṅketyaṁ pārihāsyaṁ vā stobhaṁ helanam eva vā
vaikuṇṭha-nāma-grahaṇam aśeṣāgha-haraṁ viduḥ
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.2.14)

“Even If one somehow takes (utters, chants) the holy name of Bhagavan indirectly (to indicate something else), jokingly, for musical entertainment, or even neglectfully, then he becomes immediately freed from the reactions of unlimited sins — it is known to the learned scholars.”


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